Chapter 11

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"Ariana....... Ariana" Ethan whispers to me. "Look" he point to the horizon.

The sun slowly pops above the water line like a scene straight from the lion king.

"Wow" I smile. I've seen hundreds of sunrises in my life, but this ones different.

Laying on the beach cuddled together for warmth as the sun rises straight into the sky. The sunlight makes the sand twinkle and water sparkle.

"What time is it?" He asks me.

I check my phone but it won't turn on, its dead. "Batterys dead." I sigh.

"Well we should probably head back" he gets up.

I dont want to get up! I want to sit here with him and watch the sun go all the way up in the sky and watch it set again and again and again.

But I get up with him, I curl myself up in the beach towel that we found, its mine now.

We begin the hike back to our resort. My knees are killing me from walking on the uneven sand, and after sleeping on it I cant wait to shower.

I know I must look like an absolute mess by now, but I'm way past the point of caring. Around 7 a.m. we reach our resort. It's still pretty dead so I dont have to worry about anyone seeing us. Just old couples walking the beach and some dads swimming laps in the pool.

He walks me to the elevator and rides up with me.

"This is me" he says and steps out of the elevator. "I had fun Ariana" he says and slowly walks away.

The elevator door shuts, I'm alone.

"Oh my God Ariana you just did that! You spent the night, with a hot guy, on the beach!" I say in excitement. "Oh my gosh!? You spent the night, with a boy! On a beach!" I realize I'm out of my mind and if I show up to my room looking like this I'll never see another sunrise or sunset again!

I quickly press the down button on the elevator and sneak out the side door of the building.

I take my sandy hair and body over to Callies room and bang on the door.

Her mom and dad are working breakfast shift this morning so I dont have to worry about them.

"Oh my God" Callie exclaims as she looks at me. "Your alive" she laughs.

"I need a shower" I push past her and take off my sweatshirt right in her living room.

"Girl calm down" she laughs as I take my pants off and run to her bathroom.

"What happened?" She sounds concerned.

"Long story short" I yell from her shower. "We walked until 2 a.m. and spent the night in a beach and got back at 7 a.m. and I look like a druggy and if I show up to my room looking like this then I'm dead!" I yell.

"Calm down, your mom texted me and asked me if you were here and I said yes, your safe" she yells back.

I turn the water on hot and let the sand and seaweed wash off of me. I wash rinse sand repeat and repeat. I've been in the shower for a solid forty minutes before I turn print and make an executive decision to step out.

I wrap myself in a towel and walk into callies room.

"Thanks for covering for me" I say to Callie.

"Anytime" she smiles. "So you gave me the short version, but I want details" she demands.

"Theres not really any details, it was just small talk, we were just getting to know eachother" I say brushing my smooth wet hair.

Summer To-Do List Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora