Chapter 4

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I walk down to the very end of the hall and enter my apartment.

Usually theres two small rooms at the end of the hall, one to the right and one to the left, but a couple floors have a big combined suite.

Theres one door that leads to a nice sized kitchen to the left, living room to the right, a long outdoor balcony, and one master bedroom at the very left and two medium sized rooms to the right.

I throw my backpack across the room and dive into my room. I have a decent sized bedroom, the walls are grey, I have one big window, a twin sized bed with white covers, I have a dark wood mirror and dark wood dresser, succulents, then I have little gold, white, grey, and dark brown accents throughout the room.

Callie describes it as a "typical pinterest room"

I enjoy doing my room. I like cleaning it, re arranging it, add plants and decorations. I like decorating rooms and things, it makes them feel more personal.

I lay on my bed and start scrolling through Twitter looking at friends #summer posts, end of school memes, and knick knacks for my room from Amazon.

"Hey when does Brandon come in?" Callie asks sitting in my corner fluffy seat.

"Oh I texted him this morning, hes coming in a week!!" I exclaim.

"I'm so excited I miss my boy so much" Callie smiles.

"I know it's been the longest spring without him. Do you have the list?" I ask Callie.

She smiles and pulls a bright pink piece of paper out of her bag decorated with neon writing and glitter stickers.

"Are we five?" I ask gesturing to the star and heart stickers.

"A little glitter never hurt anybody" she smiles and sits down next to me on the bed.

Callie shows me our latest summer to-do list.

It's a list we've made every year since we were twelve. It started out with small things like sneaking out after curfew, swimming in the ocean after dark, chugging slurpees, and riding the death drop at the amusement park. As we got older it got a bit crazier like skinny dipping, playing beer pong, and doing donuts in the resort parking lot at night.

Callie and I would start coming up with ideas as soon as school would start in September and would finalize the list with only the best options on the last day of school. Recently we added Brandon to the list so we've been group chatting all year about it.

"It looks really good" I admit to Callie and I take a picture of it for snapchat memories.
"Alright what do we have" I say scanning the lists.

As we've gotten older we've been able to narrow it down to hard things and actual goals that will take most of the summer to complete or accomplish.

"Awesome, so number 1: go on a trip at least two nights, out of city, with no parents or guardians" I say.

"And that's gonna be hard considering you and your parents dont even trust you to go to school alone" Callie laughs.

"I'll work on it over the summer" I say.

"Number 2: go on at least 2 college tours" Callie says.

"Ugh" I roll my eyes. The fact that theres even a school related to-do on a summer list kills me. However I know it important to prepare for my future or whatever.

"Ooh I like number 3: get black out drunk" I smile. Callie put an extra star next to that one just for me.

"I've never really been that drunk so me too" she laughs.

"Okay number 4: visit the abandoned insane asylum in lynburt" I say slowly, already scared out of my mind.

"I know, I dont want to do it either but Brandon has been pushing it since September" Callie says.

"Are you sure we made the right desicion adding him to the list?" I ask seriously contemplating his part in this process.

"Okay okay number 5: get a tattoo?" I ask. "For real?"

"Come on! Most kids in our school have them and we all said we wanted to do it" Callie says. I know shes probably going to get something small like a rose on her middle finger or a heart on her ankle but I did agree to it.

"Number 6: skinny dipping? We already did this a couple years ago" I say, we've never repeated a to-do.

"Read the parentheses" she smiles.
"It says with your crush" she smiles.

"Okay that's a really good one" I laugh with Callie.

"Read the last one" Callie points to number 7.

"Find a summer romance?" I question the to-do and look at Callie confused.

"Now dont be mad! I know this was one of your absolutely nots but I think it will be good for not only you but all of us. I haven't been in a serious relationship since I was a freshman, Brandon has just had flings, and all you do is flirt and make out with different guys every week over the summer. And during the school year you dont talk to any guys at school"

"Come on Callie you know I've never been a relationship kind of girl" I say. "The summer is my time to mess with dudes and have fun without having to commit to anything. We have fun and do crazy things with no judgement or feelings and then they leave before we ever get deep....... and I like it that way"

"I know that's what your comfortable with, but isnt the point of this list to get out of our comfort zones and be crazy! This list has helped us find ourselves throughout these years, we've tries crazy foods, sports, and activities and I don't regret one to-do we've ever done"

She just made a really good point, shes right, I know she is. Number 7 is a good to-do because its challenging, it's a reasonable but tough to attain goal, and its definitaly out of my comfort zone.

The real reason I dont like it is because I'm scared, yes, I'm scared.

Summer To-Do List حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن