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"Left with Nicholas?"
My father nodded. Hours after Valentine escaped I went to the faction house to find everyone dead. Bodies of people I trained, fought and ate with just tossed aside like their lives meant nothing. The fear as I ran to Justine's room only increased when I saw the room tossed. It was made to look like she was taken but her scent was no where to be found. Thomas and Devlin had been there. Her passport and some money had been taken. Mitchie and Judith were gone as well. "Who came up with that conclusion?" Mother asked the scouts.
"Gary Belrose and his faction helped us search, ma'am. There was evidence of a rushed evacuation," said the section leader.

"And he believes Justine wiped out our faction and ran away with Nicholas to do what?" Staci snapped.

"Meet with Valentine," Eric volunteered. "Or at least that's what someone wants us to believe. If she has betrayed us, we need a team to bring her back and answer to the charges."

"You are telling us to hunt down our sister," Carter stated.

Dorrian looked at Carter, "You saw the bodies, Carter. Someone did it."

"She wouldn't shoot a fucking gun and you think she ripped someone in half?!" Alec snarled.

"As of right now, Justine Ryder is a liability and danger to our secrets. She needs to be dealt with," Eric said as our eyes met briefly. Elizabeth waved a hand and dismissed the scouts, waiting for the door to close shut before turning to be and my siblings. "Your father and I have to get the organization under control and we need to contact the other bases to figure out a course of action," She looked directly at me. "Something happened and I want to know what. The Belrose are known liars and I want my daughter bought home alive, Joel. This is an order. She is your mate but she is still a Mason. None of us are above the law."

To be continued in book 2...Underground: Supremacy.

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