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I watched quietly as Krash's body was covered and put into on a stretcher. The sound around me was still on mute as police officers walked around talking to the remaining guests that were crazy enough to stick around or hide in the house. They could have died.

Like Krash.

I ran my hand through my hair and looked away when they shut the door to the ambulance. That's when I saw Nicholas talking to an officer and his eyes fell on me. He excused himself and walked over to me as I stood up. Nicholas even had the decency to look nervous. "Are you okay?" He asked quietly.

I just stared at him. "Krash is dead," I said.

"Yeah. Justine—"

"And I killed him," my voice started to crack. Nicholas just looked at me and shook his head. He was probably going to say what Joel would say. It's my job. Assassins are supposed to kill. I sat back down on the back of the car and looked at my hands. He didn't have to die but I know he did it that way so that Joel and the others wouldn't hand him over to Valentine. Valentine. The bastard ruined our plan! We were supposed to get the hostages and then I would speak to Krash about Valentine. Krash would still be alive! But Valentine had to send that other team.

I looked up at Nicholas, "Your uncle sent you here."

"No. That's what I was trying to tell Mason before he attacked me," Nicholas said glaring at the back of Joel's head. "When I came back from my assignment some of my uncle's men told me he sent a few men here to kill Krash. Those men were brutes and I knew you were here so..."

He came here to warn us. "And you're a werewolf."

Nicholas shifted on his feet, "Those other men were werewolves. I'm a Lycan."

"What's the difference?"

Nicholas was cut off as Joel and some man in a black trench coat walked over to us. I frowned, standing up. "Justine, this is Agent Al of the FBI and a good supporter of the Underground," Joel introduced. "Al, Justine."

Agent Al held out his hand for me and I shook it. "You guys left quite a mess for me this time, Joel," Al said.

"That's your job. We work behind the scenes and you take the credit for it," Nicholas said. Al looked at him and nodded before turning back to Joel. Carter walked over to us on the phone before hanging up and looking at Joel. "That was Dad. He wants Justine, Thomas and Nicholas on the next flight home," he said looking at me. "He wants us to finish damage control here."

Joel shakes his head no and I rolled my eyes, taking off Alex's jacket. "I'll go—"

"I said no," Joel said calmly and held his hand out for Carter's phone. "I'll call my father. Carter, take Justine back to the penthouse and get Staci and Cherine to their hotel. We will leave tomorrow morning."


I stuffed the briefcase in my suitcase and zipped it quickly as Joel walked into the room, leaning against the wall. I sighed and looked up at Joel. His grey eyes bore into me and he raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked.

Joel leaned off the wall and sauntered over to me. "You want to know what I love about the connection between mates?" He asked me. "The mindlink. I can read your thoughts, feel your emotions...everything."

I just stared at him and he stopped directly in front of me, placing a hand on my cheek. "You can't snoop through my head, Joel," I said softly.

"I can do whatever I want to keep you safe," he whispered softly.

I looked up at him and for a moment he let the tough guy act disappear and there was...vulnerable look in his eyes. "I understand but I don't want you in my head all the time. I have secrets just like I know you do," I told him and his eyes darkened a bit.

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