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At five in the morning I was awakened by a knock on my door and was handed clothes with a note on them. It was from Cherine explaining everything the Duchess had already told me. I looked at Raoul and told him I needed a shower. As sweet as Raoul was to me he just gave me a stiff nod and walked away from the door. I quietly followed and thanked him when I walked in. It was almost like being treated like a prisoner. Walking over to one of the shower stalls, I started stripping when I heard a few voices.

There's no way in hell I'm going to be stupid enough to say hello. I clearly didn't need to because a head poked out of the stall next to me and it was Mitchie. I smiled, "Mitch—"

She put a finger to her lips and then pointed to the door. I nodded. My stiff might be listening. Stripping quickly and stepping into her stall Mitchie pulled me into the far corner and smiled. "This isn't the ideal way to talk but it's the best we can get right now," she whispered.

"When did you get here? I've been here since yesterday."

She nodded, "That Carmen bitch dragged me out of my bed at one in the morning, stupid cunt. Gave me a whole pep talk the whole drive."

Same as me. Mitchie handed me a washcloth and soap and I started washing. Welp, she's seen every part of me now. "What about Lexi?" I asked. Mitchie looked over at me and frowned. "I haven't seen her since the party. Or Charm and Devlin. They are trying to separate us so we are prepared for the matches,"

Mitchie said motioning for me to turn around. She started to scrub my back and then added, "I'm not supposed to tell you this but Lexi has an ability now too. So do Devlin, Charm and...me."
I looked at her over my shoulder and she had an uncomfortable look on her face. "What is your ability?" I asked quietly.
"Water Manipulation," she shook her head. "I didn't practice it so I don't think you will see me using it today. Let's just try to finish our match as quickly as possible since we are the last ones." I nodded in agreement. The sooner the better.


I had thought the matches would start in the afternoon but according to the announcements on the speakers the arena would be filled by seven a.m and the matches would start at eight. As I laced my boots I realized the nerves were beginning to set in. This wasn't training or a friendly spar with Devlin. All four factions were here today and they would be watching our every move to see if we fit in with them. I picked up my shirt and smiled when I did. It would have been a plain long sleeve if the design on the right arm wasn't dragon scales. This is going to turn a few heads.

I put on the shirt just in time before the woman I wanted to avoid at all costs strolled in and looked down at me. Carmen Mason. Carmen was nothing like General Mason or Duchess. She looked like a pampered princess that would cry over a broken nail. Behind her were people dressed in the Assassin uniform. She eyed my shirt with amusement and touched the scales before turning her attention back to me. "My brother and sister believe you will be better in the Mason faction. What do you believe?" She asked and I could feel that she and I would clash on occasion a lot.
"Who are you? The sorting hat from Harry Potter?" I snorted. "I came in as Mason and I will leave as one. It's where I belong."

"And that belief doesn't come from my nephew's attentions or pull towards you? Joel has a history of acting in the moment," Carmen said and I noticed what the bitch was doing. She was fucking sizing me up. "I'm looking out for you, Ryder. Joel can get bored easily and he is already betrothed."
I must be fucking stupid to her. I see right through what she's doing. My answers would determine where she believed I should go. "My affection towards Joel hasn't reached anything past admiration. Like from a mentor to a student," I fibbed. "If you must know the only man who has captured my attention in that way is Nicholas."

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