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Beach Party!! >.<
Justine's dress above :*

"And he just says nothing?"
I looked at Mitchie who handed me and Cherine red solo cups and settled in on the blanket. What I've started to notice was that Cherine and Staci know a lot of people who love to party quite the opposite of their brothers. So here we sat, on this beautiful beach, Mitchie, Lexi, Staci, Cherine and me in front of this gorgeous sunset with a campfire and a sunset. It was someone's birthday but it could have been a dog's birthday and these people would have found an excuse to party. Why the fuck am I still single?! Because Joel is engaged. "Joel is good with women and then again he isn't," Cherine said looking at me. "He's used to fucking and leaving not catching feelings." So not helping.
I groaned and pushed my hair out of my face, "Why is this even a topic?"
Staci looked at me and studied my face but I already know my face is an open book. I like Joel Mason. There. It's out there in the open...in my head anyway. I stared at the couples I saw dancing with each other and even those who were leaving with each other to get a quick lay. "Does it make me a slut to just want sex?" I asked and Mitchie choked on her drink. Cherine smirked at me, "I think we need to cut off your liquor supply."

I held my finger up to keep her from reaching my cup, "I think after dealing with what I've been through you should buy me three more drinks," I smiled.

Staci laughed and looked over at the crowd before whistling. "Well get it out of your system now because Joel, Jonathan and Carter are coming this way."


"With Lena and two other females," Lexi added rolling her eyes. I got up slowly and started walking away. Someone linked their arm with mine and when I looked to the side of me, it was Staci. She pulled my hair out of my bun and I shook it as it fell around my shoulders. Staci and I went to the crowd and she got me another drink which I happily took from her. Did I want to avoid Joel? No. Do I like seeing Lena hanging off of him? Fuck no. But I will be a good girl for tonight. All of that flew out of the window when I turned to walk back with Staci and Lena was sitting on Joel's lap. Like really?! He didn't even look annoyed or anything. Staci looked at me and frowned, "Justine, come on. You look hot and there are endless drinks being passed around," she said to me. "Screw my brother."

I was trying to.

"I'm good," I said walking away and going...somewhere. I ignored the calls to come back until the music died out and all you could hear was the crashing of the waves. I kicked my sandals off and climbed onto this huge rock that I, for some reason really wanted to hug. After not slipping on the rock, I sat down and bought my legs to my chest just staring at the water. I like this. One day I'm going to get a house with a beach as the backyard and sit just like this. I heard something move behind me and I looked over to see who it was. To my surprise, it was Alex. "You're here too?" I asked. He just stared at me and I shrugged, sipping from my cup.
"Are you an angry drunk?
I frowned, "Why do you ask?"
Alex started to climb the rock slowly as if calculating how many steps to take. If he falls I'm not saving him. "Getting kicked in the nose is one thing. I want to keep my balls in tact thank you very much," he said.

"You of all people should not reproduce," I mumbled drinking some more.

Alex sat down next to me with a grunt and I looked at him. He was my least favorite sibling and yet he was very attractive, especially with just swimming trunks on. Justine it's a trick! It's really just the liquor. "That insult is older than your underwear," he snapped taking my cup and drinking from it.

I rolled my eyes, "That insult was staler than your breath," I clapped back. Alex was annoying to me on the regular but now that I was drunk I could be more snappy and not have to make an excuse for it. He had a weird smirk on his face and it creeped me out but he was quiet for the most part. "Why are you over here?" I asked him after a few moments of silence. Alex reached down off the rock and picked up a huge bottle of Jack Daniel's and opened it.
"Unlike popular belief even I don't like Lena," he said taking a swig and reaching for my cup. I tossed the cup aside and took the bottle from him. He smirked at me and shrugged as I took a swig.

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