Prince Jimin

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Prince Jimin.

"Oh you cute little.....come here my sweet." I could that the sweetest puppy i have ever seen. I sweet pie is a new addition into the of six pups.

He got all my attention. The other pup whined, "Aww i love you too but he is..." I thought for a good second because what if i say something bad and hurt is feeling. I want to be a good daddy " small and need us all. we need to protect him right ?"

The sweet thing barked as he understood every word i said. Making me chuckle.

My phone charmed in....i hate to be disturbed when i..i don't wanna pick up.

I don't want to pick up... But I can't let go to voicemail. I don't want to pick it up but what if it's Jin-Hyung if idididn't pickdidn'tp .i will get  an earful. Buan t only one problem with that is my hands are full.

"Jimin-ah.." Taehyung came in the shelter song sing.

"Great timing. ..Taetaegegets the phone for me will ya."

Wrinkling his nose he pull out my phone. Clicking the answer button he placed the phone between my head and shoulder. I tilled my head to catch it. Tae took the puppy from my grasp then. With a "I be in the stable...." He skipped away. With his puppy.

"Yellow...! "I answered. Pulling out the glove and handing it properly.

"Ah- is this Prince Jimin? " an unrecognizable voice asked. What the hell how people gets my number. Like this.

Clicking a home screen button on my I message my security... letting them security know to track the ID of the caller.  Right away. 

I didn't answer,  if they want to talk to me they can least wait,the background voice I can tell its not an emergency. Or this unknown person would have said so. Or called the Emergency.

My phone vibrated a message shown.

*Caller Name : Kang Seulgi.*
Age                   : 23
Employed: waitress
Location: Darverlaz

Sir, the alarm went red we have to inform it the General.

Of course, the red alarm went up, anything from the Darverlaz country raised all types of hackles.

I gave them the 'Go ahead.'

KANG SEULGI... KANG Seulgi.... I have heard that name before. Shuffling threw my brain. Where have I heard that name before thought the....... Oh.... KANG pearl.

But why is she calling him. Did something happen to pearl? Is she not coming?

"Yes. It is him. How did you get my number? "

"Prince jimin I am pearls cousin."

Jimin rolled his eyes, yes I know who you go on why did you call girl.

"Pearl had an accident sir she won't able to make it. "

"what?? " Jimin stood up."How is she?  Is she okay? "

"no my prince she is in ICU the doctors are unable to tell-"

"Which hospital? "

"Angle hospital, " the girl said.

"Okay, i will send the fund don't worry."

"No my prince this isn't why i called. The fund has been taken care off."

The girl hesitated so to push her, he said " :Tell me, de, r." The must be in so distressed.

"Before she...Before she went unconscious she said..."

Broken Doll (UOLB series)  Short Story (complete) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя