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AN----All credit for this goes to hemmingalmightty.tumblr.com check out her tumblr

Luke: "Daddy, I want ice cream," Kayla whined, following her dad around the kitchen as he cleaned up the mess from dinner.

"Honey, I said no to ice cream because you already had cake at Uncle Michael's after lunch," Luke explained calmly for the third time.

"But I didn't know then that we had ice cream!" Kayla sighed dramatically. It made sense in her five year old mind, but Luke stood his ground.

"Maybe tomorrow after lunch, babes. You don't need any more sweets tonight. Besides, it's too close to bedtime for sweets anyway. But instead of sweets, why don't we go watch a movie as soon as Daddy's done cleaning the kitchen," he offered.

"I don't want a movie. I want ice cream!" Kayla screamed, stomping her foot.

"Kayla," Luke said warningly. "Daddy doesn't listen to whining, remember?"

"Daddy, can I please have ice cream?" Kayla asked again, her politeness practically dripping off the words. Luke turned to look at her, seeing her batting her eyelashes at him.

"No, Kayla, not tonight. Daddy already told you that since you had cake at Uncle Mike's, there is no cake tonight," Luke replied gently once again as he started the dishwasher and moved to wipe off the table. Kayla turned on the waterworks, but Luke ignored her as he finished cleaning and flipped off the kitchen light. "Okay, let's go watch our movie," he smiled.

To his surprise, Kayla didn't follow. Instead, she flopped herself down onto the kitchen tile with surprising force. Then she began to scream and kick her arms and legs. "I want ice cream!" she screeched. Luke grumbled to himself and stood there, watching her for a minute.

"Kayla Hemmings," he said loudly, crouching by her. "If you do not stop this nonsense, there will be no ice cream tomorrow, either," he informed her. To his dismay, Kayla continued to yell and scream, kicking her feet and flailing her arms. After watching her for another couple seconds, Luke turned and walked out of the kitchen, leaving her to her tantrum.

As Luke sat on the couch and watched the news, he tried to figure out what could have caused his normally sweet girl to act this way. Maybe she didn't get a nap at Michael's house, maybe she was just cranky. But Luke knew he didn't like it, at all. He really didn't like hearing his daughter cry at all, and it was rough for him to sit and not do anything to stop her miserable wails. He tried every possible distraction tactic while he let his daughter scream herself out, but it was still almost impossible.

Kayla continued to cry and scream and kick for almost twenty minutes before it got quiet. Luke stood to go check on her, and the sight he walked in on was almost adorable. Kayla was sprawled out like a starfish, fast asleep. Her cheeks were streaked with tears and her face was red. Shaking his head in amusement, Luke picked her up and carried her to bed, tucking her in gently and kissing her forehead before he left, closing the door behind him.

Ashton: "Jake, let's go," Ashton insisted, looking down at the boy who was sitting cross-legged on the floor, his arms crossed defiantly over the toy clutched to his chest.

"I want the toy, Dad," he plainly said again.

"I'm aware. Today is not the day you're going to get the toy, though. Now get up, We're supposed to meet your mom for dinner in twenty minutes," Ashton sighed. For whatever reason, the seven year old was really in the mood to push buttons today, and Ashton was having none of it.

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