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Shivadatt is Hema father, he had two sons one daughter. He is greedy man, he married Hema to Manik so that she can become queen of samahalgarh, he even married his sons with daughters of strong king's. He is greedy of power. But Manik is different from what he thought he will be.

Manik never been towards Hema's beauty nor towards her love, he turned to be a great worrier, when he heard that he sent a dasi to Hema and even sent some herbs which will make Manik to go crazy for Hema. She added them for Manik as a result she got pregnant but she couldn't give birth to a boy it was girl. He got disappointed

Next time he asked Hema do again so that this time she may give birth to a son, but to his horror Manik found out about the herb, war happened he lost war instead of taking the country Manik abounded Hema for life time. Both kingdom faced negative vibes.

After almost eight years, again both kingdoms are now in good terms, but Shivdatt is not happen when he came to know about Nandini. He even came to know about king abolishing Hema as future queen which made his anger towards king grow more.

He came to attend marriage and also to ask about the issue and make Hema queen. Even Hema in hope of it. She is dam sure that her father will make things better and make her queen again.

Here Manik is angry on himself, first Samanth issue now this people are proving him fool. This made him go insane, same way he don't want to make Tamasha as Nandini said. He slept besides her. Sleep is nowhere near him. Nandini is hissing in sleep now and then which Manik worried more. He touched her stomach softly "children don't make your mother  go through such pains I can't see her in pain she is fragile" he kissed her stomach then her softly not disturbing her.

Near early morning Manik could see Nandini slept peacefully without pain. So he didn't wake her, even warned dasis to be care full and no one would wake her up. Manik took bath and came to puja room.he found Hema parents present in puja he frowned but then with straight face he entered room.

After puja Hema father spoke "Hukum I want to talk to you and jamai sa"
Manik smirked "I too need to talk to you" Manik said with smirk
King frowned, he know that both are at worst mood so he walked to main hall, both followed.
When all are sitting Hema father got up "Hukum I heard that you abolished Hema as future queen for a slut?"
Manik in a fraction of second took his sword from his waist and kept on his throat "how dare you speak about my wife in such language?" His eyes are dripping fire
"Sorry" shivadatt said immediately
"Mind your tongue and tone shivadatt" king warned
"Sorry Hukum!!! I am mistaken"
"Better be, about me abolishing Hema as queen who are you to ask me about my decision and my family matters?" King raised his voice
"Hukum I don't have any intension to raise a question but as father of Hema I have rights to ask about her"
"She tried to kill my grand son how can I excuse her?"
"Who knows she is giving birth to a son Hukum?" Shivadatt smirked
"So???" Questioned king
Shivadatt cleared his throat, "whatever happened for that you gave her punishment and she finished it but this is too much she can say sorry to her if you want"
Manik got angry "I think this our family matter we are not answerable to anyone"
"I made you married to my daughter as first wife she has all her rights to become queen"
"If so I will never become king next king will be my son"Manik said in anger
King got more angry "shut up you both, who are you to speak on this topic it's me who decides them and you shivadatt Singh Rathod If again you speak on this topic you are not allowed to speak more this meeting is dismissed" king got up to go
Shivadatt got angry "Hukum!!! You can't run away from me like this"
"Take hukum's words with respect" Manik raised volume. Shivadatt shivered and king gave him a smirk.

Manik clapped two men came with Purohit
"Hema blackmailed this pandit to say that I should be on bhramacharya and Nandini shouldn't attend any marriage functions Hukum!!! I want Hema get punished worst" Manik said with smirk
Shivadatt looked at pandit with venomous look
King sat down called dasi and asked Hema to come, Hema came, seeing pandit she took a gulp. Looked at her father who is in anger.

"Since from 16years me and your mothers are trying to make you learn how to behave and make you stop conspiracies but you never changed one or the other thing you do such that I have punish you hard and hard I am tired of these things Manik it's your family issue you take decisions I will be with you"
Hema looked worried and scared

"Hukum I want to send Hema with her parents permanently" Manik spoke.
Shivadatt looked at Manik with disbelief Hema gasped with horror she screamed "no" closing her ears
Shivadatt took his sword out, "you can't abolish my daughter like this" he shouted Manik too raised his sword king is hell worried he tried to stop both, listening to swords noises, all soldiers and Hema brothers came running, fight took worsen when both Hema brothers took their father's side and started fighting with Manik.

King came down to stop shivadatt but he is not in mood listen while king was about to stop Manik one of Hema brother took sword and was about pierce in Manik's back, king came between, screaming "Manik" the sword went to king's stomach and came back, Manik took his father's weight before it touched the floor screaming "father", while room became silent, king is breathing heavy, soldiers came Manik screamed for doctor within a minute, doctor came running, Manik left his father and took sword and without second thought he cutted both brothers heads of Hema, shivadatt screamed in horror, Manik took his both hands and cut them off and asked soldiers to keep him in prison, he went to Hema and took her with hair and shouted "keep this Dayan in jail" dasis came and took Hema out

Within minutes everything ruined. Manik ran to his father. Doctor is trying his best to stop the blood. Mothers came running, everyone are crying for king, praying for him. Nandini got pains.

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