Pay back

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Next few days Manik made sure that no one in the village help Samanth and also he stopped people working agriculture fields of Samanth, which made Samanth more angry.

Samanth made appearance in public and asked agricultural farmers to come for work, they revolted. He ordered his soldiers to beat them for which soldiers disobey him as their wives warned them strictly from last one week.

Samanth is shocked and even his ego damaged a lot he reached home. He sent a massage to king saying that his village is been attacked by some radical forces and Yuvaraj is missing.

Manik already informed his strategy to king so king is not worried about this. Manik is now curious and even tensed. As Samanth is now furious as his ego damaged in public, he may take any drastic step to punish the people he alerted his men and even made some arrangements to protect the public.

Samanth made alliances with some near by villages and asked some soldiers help, which near by villages Samanth accepted as they don't know about the Yuvaraj plan. Samanth made those soldiers to beat all the servants who refused to work at his place in public.

Manik when heard the news he ran to the place. He found twenty of them are beating around fifty persons and all are circled and watching them. Manik got angry and started a slogan "one for all, all for one" which started chanting by all which made motivation among public

Public started to scream it and and started beating those soldiers black and blue when Manik felt they may die he stopped public. All soldiers are in very bad condition. Manik made them sleep in a chariot and sent them to Samanth place

He took all the men who got beats to his place and made their wound get lape for healing and gave them some motivational speech so that next time they unite and revolt instead of getting beatings.

Manik knee that now war started. But here Samanth is nowhere calm. He is confused and also hell angry. He is unable to figure out who is behind it, all the men are against him only few of his loyal men present by his back who are not capable to control villagers.

Samanth is waiting for king's soldiers who are no where to come, and Yuvaraj who is supposed to visit his village is missing, and the men he sent to kill Yuvaraj is also missing he is feeling strange.

Manik made all the villagers, to unite and fight for themselves with Samanth. Here Nandini made all ladies meeting. "Ladies!!! We all now know the power of ourselves, so now it's time to movitate our men to fight against Samanth for that you all make your man understand his strength, give them so much courage and make them believe that his family is his strength not weakness. Just because families all men are taking back step but guide them and give support to them if required you too fight with them. Yuvaraj is planning to attack Samanth in two days in this two days you all will show how much positive you are in their work"

All ladies after listening to Nandini agreed and even shared their views and some has expressed their worries for which Nandini gave as required solution as she can for some problems she asked help of Manik for which gave his word to make things right

Ladies agreed and when they returned home, they all started their work first all send their daughters to Nandini, so that she can protect them along with small kids and newly mothers who required shelter. Then they prepared arrows, pepper powder, and pebbles collection.

In two days men had planned where to attack Samanth and how to attack. Manik gave them pakka plan and even he to joined them dressing as commoner. All women as followed them but Manik stopped them and asked them to protect their own houses.

They agreed all old men and women held lanterns to guide them, men encircled the mahal, some strong worriers and soldiers who are at Manik's side entered inside but to their surprise Samanth has collected around hundreds soldiers of near by villages to his safety which was a shock.

Manik didn't let his men panic he started fighting. War started. Manik is playing with his sword, he is just giving scars to them he is not killing anyone, as he knew that they don't know actual problem.

When everyone are seriously fighting all ladies took are helping the men who are injured, even they are supplying arrows, they are supplying requirements to all the men and helping them. Manik felt proud of Nandini as she trained them very well.

Manik when felt all those soldiers are not in position to fight Manik stopped his men and called Samanth out. Manik's men brought Samanth out and made him sit on his knees.

"King made you Samanth but you took advantage of your position and started to torcher people, you are supposed to be their slave, their work. They are not slaves nor workers. Because of them you are been appointed Samanth, it's not for you they work. From this very moment I will dismiss you from your Samanth position" Manik said in angry

"Who are you to order me??? You don't know that I sent letter to king, he will punish you when he knows all this" Samanth laughed

Manik looked at him and smiled he sat on his knees and removed his pagidi and mustachios. "You planned to kill me and you think you will get help from my father??? How is it possible?"
"Yuvaraj?????" Samanth is scared like a rat "no no I didn't send anyone to kill you, these all villagers did it they are rebels look at me Yuvaraj what they did to me"

Manik laughed and signalled, the four men who came to kill Manik came front and stood there. Seeing them Samanth scared but he just started to play around again "Yuvaraj I didn't send them to kill you" He is begging
"I didn't say that you send them? So you sent them?" Manik smirked
"Yuvaraj" Samanth is now shattered
"You are dismissed and sent to king" Manik ordered 

After that Manik ordered everyone to go home and take rest so that tomorrow they can discuss about new Samanth. All walked back. The soldiers, who fought for Samanth came forward and asked for forgiveness as they don't know the situations, Manik gave warn and then asked them to take food from his house and take rest. They all walked with Manik to his place.

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