Turning things to good

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Morning when all the royals are at puja room Badima declared Nandini as the one who take cares of mahal calculations and records. All started talking among themselves and shooting dragons on Nandini
When Manik was about to talk the lady among them named Laxmi took a step forward and said "MA sa!!! Till now we never raised our voice nor any demands we put forward but now things changing, MA sa just please can we know what is our mistake? How come the lady who just came became so important in mahal and country why? She is not out of any alliance nor any strong kings daughter we don't even witnessed marriage of hukum and she, then how is she this important?"

Manik fisted is palm and about snap out but was distracted by Badima words "Laxmi!!!! You are correct!!! We all didn't witness Manik and Nandini marriage so shall we doubt on Yuvaraj?"
All gasped holding their breath in fear Badima smirked
"Yuvaraj words are like bagawath Geeta to our country that you all know so topic canceled about making choti bahurani as incharge and her importance, I think Yuvaraj has declare on first of her arrival what importance she holds in mahal. The one who objected is now in punishments , if anyone objects will be punished most harshly, dare to raise your voice or do any conspiracy on her. She is the only one among you all who Yuvaraj himself wanted as his wife not like you all who is out of any alliances so be careful and I order you all to keep in good books of choti bahurani" Badima ordered

Manik took breath to calm down he cleared his throat and "listen everyone!!!! From now on Nandu will be my khas rani sa!!!! I give her powers in my absence she hold my equal rights and duties in mahal and......... You all will follow her rules and regulations strictly" all gasped again all rooted still in shock they didn't expect Manik to announce his khas. Manik glared them all lowered their eyes. Latha held tears Manik looked at her more furious she dropped the tears one cheeks she wiped them and lowered tears.

"Latha!!!! From now on you will assist nandu and give her proper rest and if you miss use this opportunity what I can do you know that"
"ji hukum!!!! I will do my duties"
"Laxmi!!!!! You pointed my words do you think I will spare you?"
Laxmi shrieked in his harsh voice "hukum!!!! I didn't mean it"
"go to shiv mandir and drop 100vessels of water on lord and you will carry them from river to temple all alone"
Laxmi!!!!! Shocked.

Nandini when entered mahal main building, where accounts are been  kept. Nandini took all books and started to read them. When she was very young her mother once made to look after house for two months. All the money earned is been given to her and asked to spend in all household works payments to workers some necessities and some luxurious, some are for charities see are for pujas. First month she got confused and couldn't manage then her mother made her sit and explained how to make wise decision where to spend and where not, next month she managed well. Now that experience should work she hoped.

The book had so many loop points most of the money is wasted in jewelry and luxurious, actually the book is about what what had been purchased not any budget. Nandini felt stressed if she has to do same then their is no need to do anything so she walked to Badima room. She discussed everything she felt and asked her about what she can do, and even kept her views on this topic what she want to do. Badima agreed and asked her do as she want.

Nandini made a list of all workers, servants, Dasis and guards present in mahal, their salaries are been calculated and written in an order, then food items and necessary things are made list, then budget allotment for each princess for a month then some festivals pujas, and events happening in this month are listed and made particular budget for them.

When she had all this works done she felt satisfied and had some sleep. When she woke she felt empty as from morning Manik is no where around her. Evening she got fresh up done some knitting work then she walked to kitchen. She checked all items made the list of things available and required then she cooked food everyone. It's almost dinner time. She came back to her room found empty again she started missing Manik more

When she is waiting for Manik Dasi came and informed that Manik us in dinning area waiting for dinner, she walk fast. At dinner as all elders, and ladies present she didn't get much chance to talk they both just exchanged smiles.

Badima asked Nandini "so ground work you made?"
"MA sa! I made some list of payments arrangements and lists things wanted and required even made list of things we already posses"
"good! Don't make yourself stress take best care of yourself first"
"sure Badima"
"I heard that today afternoon you didn't had lunch why???? Is this the way you take care if yourself?"
Nandini kept silent
"answer me" she demanded
"MA sa!!!! Hukum didn't come for lunch"
"I can't eat if he is starving" she said Manik looked at her with angry but kept silent as he don't want to interfere between them
"Yuvaraj you know this?"
"Yes Badima"
"still you neglected to come to lunch?"
"I had work"
"that's not the solution Yuvaraj!!!!! From now on you will be responsible for chotibahu eating habits that's final" she ordered. Manik said yes.

When Manik and Nandini are room, Manik took her in lap, his six feet four inches height broad chest toned body well build eight pack made her drool on him she find herself so small even when she sits on his lap she can't reach him.
"Why don't eat properly???? You are pregnant atleast consider that"
"it's you who have to consider hukum!!! Be mercy on me and come for lunch dinner snacks everything on time" she added playfully but it made him feel guilty
"ya!!!! I am hopeless in some things"
"hukum I just played around leave it"
Manik hugged her tight
"where we're you all time hukum I didn't even get glimpse of you all day?"
"O so you missed me?"
"She blushed
"what you missed me? Or my....." He started kissing her neck slowly
"you" she answered while enjoying his touch
"acha!!!!" He is now pressing her soft smooth boobs slowly she moaned "hukum"
"let's play hard I can't wait more" he made her sleep on bed she giggled.

Next day Nandini started her work as incharge, she ordered everyone to give her their list of requirements from Co wives, latha came forward and collected the list from everyone, Nandini talked with each and everyone in personal and took their interests padma taunted her but Nandini smiled and hugged her in return.

Manik came for lunch both had lunch in their room Nandini gave the list and asked Manik to suggest what are to be given importance, same time Nandini gave everyone importance and even took great note of their interests in personal. She even suggested Manik to note them he agreed as they are also his wives and to fulfill their wishes is his duty.

Nandini baby bump started to show, all the ladies are acquainted with Nandini well. Manik's daughters in start had bad mouthed Nandini but after knowing her they started to be friendly with her.

Nandini taught them cooking, calculations, some politics and economical issues, knitting and stitching , Nandini even made time to make their hair styles and decorations with flowers. They with in no time became fans of Nandini.

Manik too changed he is eating on time spending time with daughters, he is even spending some time with parents. One day Nandini made a meeting after dinner in which Manik and all his wives except Hema are present, she made them play with Manik. They played blindfold with Manik, even played some Pachees, all had great fun till late night. Manik came to know about all his wives a little. Padma became friendly with Nandini. Latha is always sad as Manik gave her cold shoulders

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