All together makes you

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When all are at dinning area Manik cleared his throat "Badima I want to make some rules can I?"
As she is the In charge of the mahal I mean ladies section
"it's your right on your family so I am glad finally you want it" she smiled
"well then, from now on no one will fight with Nandini who ever try to insult her will be punished to death, from now on so you all will respect as you do to me, she will cook and serve me all time she stays in my room I never want any gossips or talks on it. Dasis which are working for me will be with her too from now on." He finished while looking all his wives
Hema fisted her hand "hukum!!! Shama!!!! Cooking for you is all our duty and serving to you can't take that right from us"
Manik smirked "ya I saw how you all cook for me and how tasty you all cook so stay away from my food she cooks best and I love her cooking, about serving Hema you say what I eat first?"
"Nandini you say"
"hukum!!!! You.... Prefer lassi first sip before eating anything" her voice is smooth and soft
"Hema you and me were brought up at a time in this mahal you are here since my childhood still you don't even know what I eat or drink so what makes you right to serve for me? So it's clear she will serve me"
"I am royal by birth not any Dasi to know your tastes" Hema smirked
"silence!" Manik raised his voice "I just now said to speak in respect I think you people are taking things lightly as I never interfered in between you people but from now on I will till next moon day you will not wear chappels and eat only one time that you yourself cooked" Manik said in firm voice Hema winced in pain
"should I need to invite to serve me food?" Manik said looking at Nandini
Nandini slowly came walking to him with full gunghat and started serving him
All the elders watching this smiled "did you see Manik really likes this girl she might be that beautiful and attractive I am happy for him" Badima said in low voice to all three sitting besides her they nodded in agree

Nandini when looked at food she felt sad they are not at all according to Manik's taste she looked at other dishes then called Dasi asked her to bring some parathas she served them he stopped her showing hand she stopped
When all men completed eating ladies took places Nandini stood still having no place Dasi brought one more small table and a chair for her she sat
"so your name?" Hema asked
"you are bhramin?"
"do you know here rules" padma asked
"hukum didn't explain?"
"He said Badima will teach me"
"Nandini as you know all rules which ladies generally have at home as royal family we need to display little more never give leniency to Dasis or workers never neglect Manik that's all"
"I will keep in mind always"
"what are your talents?"
"Nothing much as all girls have cooking stiching  knitting making varieties of dresses for God and goddess doing flower decorations in puja room that's all"
"tomorrow will be your muhdikhayi all ladies of high category will come I will send dress and jewelry to your room be ready, take good rest today" Badima said
She nodded yes

When dinner was completed all ladies Sat in hall having pann Nandini didn't take. when Badima said to disperse Nandini is been guided by a Dasi to Manik room while she was walking Hema said "every beauty will fade with time every attraction will loose it's charm same happens with you it's just matter of time hukum will bring another one after you that's it so don't keep your hopes high"
"I will keep this in mind always di you are elder to me in all means" Nandini replied
"I will be always number one and going to be queen"
"Yes" Nandini smiled
Hema got irritated seeing Nandini genuine smile as she couldn't effect Nandini
"hukum asked new rani to meet him now" a Dasi said
Nandini did Pranam to Hema and walked to Manik room
When she reached Manik is only in lower she smiled
"what took you so long?"
"Hukum can't I spend time with ladies?"
"Not now when I am busy you can come here and remove that vail I hate it when you cover your face that you know"
She removed it kept a side Manik took her hand and jerked she fell on his hard chest
"why are you so angry?"
"This mahal itself makes me angry"
"this is your house it can never make you angry it will give you peace"
"but never I got one" he kept his face on her neck crook and smelled her
"are you OK?"
"Yes don't worry about me"
"come on I need you now"
"hukum you didn't had dinner well so first take some fruits milk then pann then sleeping"
"my play time?" He complained
She blushed
She took knife cuts all fruits made him eat even she too ate some as Manik feeded her she ordered badam milk Dasi brought two glasses as Manik signaled two to Dasi Nandini nodded her head in disbelief and gave Manik one glass and she took one when they completed drinking Nandini made pann and gave Manik he took in mouth from her hand and started chewing lazily.

Nandini went to dressing area removed all jewels except blackbeeds then changed into light weight dress and made her hair neat added flowers to it then came to sleep Manik not wasting a minute jumped on her not giving any weight on her started kissing her and giving half chewed pann into her mouth playing with her books and rubbing his hardness on her pussy

When Manik satisfied totally with her pleasure he took her in arms and slept peacefully Nandini is all worn out naked under sheets her sindoor shattered all sweaty still beautiful hugging Manik slept

Morning Nandini got up early went to washroom took bath made everything ready for Manik and she got dressed up sent Dasi to Badima for permission to met her she agreed to meet Nandini

"Pranam Badima!"
"Bless you daughter"
"shama for disturbing you, I need permission to cook for hukum can I?"
"We need to perform retuial for cooking as you are newly wedded one"
"today by 7 an auspicious time is their if you can think it's good shall I?"
"I have to call ladies and make some puja and then make you cook I don't think they all can come this early notice"
"ji as you wish sorry for disturbing you"
"no problem, why you want to cook so early?"
"Yesterday hukum didn't eat well so I want to cook for him"
"do one thing order cook what you want Manik to eat"
"thank you Badima"
She took blessings and left for kitchen

In kitchen when she entered a lady is ordering the chef seeing Nandini chef bowed his head
"what are you doing this early in kitchen?" Lady asked
"she is one of the wife of Yuvaraj padma" Dasi said in low voice
"Pranam di!" Nandini bowed to her
"why are you here?" She again asked
"I want to order food for hukum"
"you are new what you know about hukum I already ordered"
Nandini fussed her lips "can I add some?" She requested
"ok" padma Saud in negligence
"thank you di!!!! Can I have some aloo paratha with ghee, lassi with some coriander leaves, and some mint leaves, then ghatta some khaddu ka halwa khadi"
"hukum never eats them chef said
"see you know nothing" padma taunted
Nandini felt sad no one knows Manik taste and wishes she felt pity too
"still I want them for hukum and make with pure ghee yesterday food was made in used ghee which you will not use for hukum from now on" she said in stern voice but low pace
"when you don't know anything why are even giving orders you just came so stay away from my work Maharaj cook what I said"
Nandini got frustrated "ok!!!! Di I will go back" she did Pranam and went to her room
When she returned Manik is not in room so she felt more sad

When Dasi gave her dress and jewels which Badima sent she started to dress up all Dasis are helping her to dress up neatly while she is doing her hair Manik came from practice "where we're you when I got up?"
"I.... I kind of had some work so went out"
"spell it totally what you did?"
Nandini kept numb Manik turned to Dasi "you say each and every word"
Nandini nodded no to Manik even begged with eyes he felt more fishy
Dasi gave him all details Manik clutched his teeth sent Dasi out "you are queen now so behave one you order Dasi to inform Maharaj you will never walk to him from now on, and padma is silly lady she is stupid all times so leave her words"
Nandini nodded yes
"I will return from bath wait we both will walk to puja room and..... Next time when I ask you to say you will obey and give each me all details"
"no!!!! When things are not necessary you don't need to know them I can handle them"
"you won't and make us one no secrets no keeping things up to you"
"which creates complications splits family and make me all alone"
"I don't care"
"but I do care everyone who is related to you hukum they all together makes you one not you alone so I care"
"you won't" he pressed her against himself and kissed to stop her nonsensical words. She pout he took her lips in his mouth as always while smiling "let me take bath" he went in side
Nandini helped Manik to get ready and both walked to puja room

King's love and obsessionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang