Lashton/Malum - Getting to know you *Part 3*

Start from the beginning

Luke had a hard time falling asleep that night, probably because they hadn't really done anything, so he wasn't tired at all.

He had thought about their bet the whole day, but it didn't look like Ashton was actually going to do it. He could've known the boy wasn't actually going through with it, but it still was very disappointing.


Ashton and Luke had both agreed on carrying one full jerry can as they were quite heavy, just like they had done the day before. Luke's arm was starting to hurt though, and he figured Ashton didn't mind the weight at all, with his broad arms and shit.

"Can you hold this for me?"

Ashton grabbed the handle, thinking Luke was going to take a piss or something like that. The younger boy kept walking next to him though, and when Ashton wanted to give the object back, he sprinted away.

"Come here you bastard." Ashton giggled as he said it, and Luke couldn't help but smile at the cuteness overload.

The singer heard a loud thumb and looked around to see Ashton had dropped the two jerry cans and was now running towards him. Luke tried to move even faster, but he was no match for the older boy. As the boy kept running - or rather trying not to trip over his own feet - he felt two strong arms around his waist, tackling him. Luke landed face forward with Ashton lying half on top of him.

Luke let out a whiny sound before Ashton rolled off of him and he rolled over so they were both lying on their back, staring at the roof of leaves. Both boys were panting a bit from running so fast while it was so warm.

Ashton propped himself up on his elbows and looked Luke in the eyes.

"Do you remember our bet?"

Off course Luke remembered the bet, a) it had only been one day and b) how could he possibly forget the most perfect boy alive owed him a blowjob? He shyly nodded, hoping Ashton wasn't just fucking with him, and was actually going to do it.

"Now would be a great time to do it, without the others around." Ashton spoke, still not revealing his intentions. Luke nodded again, too shy to say anything about it.

"Still want it?" Ashton now looked shy too, and Luke closed his eyes as he nodded for the third time.

"Okay." Ashton spoke, before he rolled over so he could unbutton Luke's shorts. His movements were slow, way too slow for Luke's liking.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to."

Ashton pulled the shorts down and pressed his palm against the bulge that was already forming in Luke's boxers, showing Luke he actually wanted to do this.

The younger boy sucked in his bottom lip to make sure he wouldn't make any embarrassing sounds. Ashton kept looking at Luke while palming him and the boy hoped it wasn't too obvious he was getting hard just from the intense stares. Suddenly the boy yanked his boxers down and Luke didn't know what to expect anymore. He could feel a loose hand around his member, pumping up and down ever so slowly.

"Ugh, Ash." Luke growled, hating and loving the teasing the same.

"What?" Ashton smugly smiled up at him and Luke threw his head back in frustration. He wanted to tell the boy to fucking suck his dick already but that'd be a bit weird, even though this entire situation was just weird. Luke bucked his hips, hoping Ashton would get the idea. He did.

The drummer licked over Luke's head and the boy wondered if he had done this before. When Ashton took most of him in his mouth, he was convinced he had. There was no way he was this confident with another guy's cock if he didn't have any experience.

Luke tried not to think too much while Ashton started bobbing his head, but Luke imagined all kinds of things he'd like to do to his friend and he already felt he was getting close. Luke's hand moved into Ashton's golden locks. He tried not to moan too much but the pleasure was taking over.

The noises encouraged the older boy to go a little faster and to suck a little harder.

"Jesus." Luke groaned as Ashton started to hum around him.

"Gonna come" the boy moaned, and Ashton pulled off of him, replacing his mouth by his large hand immediately. One last, high pitched moan came out of Luke's open hanging mouth while he came, painting Ashton's hand and his own stomach white. Ashton kept moving his hand until nothing came out anymore and Luke was a panting mess beneath him.

Ashton kissed him on the cheek before sitting back, and if he hadn't just received an amazing blowjob, he had been thinking the kiss over. His brain just didn't have room for another thought after what had happened.

"That was hot." Ashton fondly smiled down at him. Luke's mouth was still hanging open and his chest was still rising and falling heavily.

"We should do this again sometime." Ashton winked before he got up and walked back to where there he thought their jerry cans were, leaving Luke half naked on the dirty ground.


"What took you guys so long?" Calum asked. He had woken up at the same time as Ashton and Luke.

"We already ate, the eggs were getting cold."

Michael took one look at Luke, who was sure his cheeks were still flushed, and winked at him. Ashton tried to suppress his giggles and failed. When Luke turned to look at him, he just flashed him an innocent smile and sat down to eat. The youngest got the feeling Michael knew a bit more than he should've known, but that was probably Ashton's fault.

That afternoon the boys walked for two hours until they reached the lake and Michael complained every minute of it.

"Okay, that's enough." Calum said when they were almost there.

"Jump." He said, holding out his arms behind him to catch Michael. He didn't have to be told twice, and jumped so that he was piggyback riding Calum. Michael rested his head on top of Calum's and pressed a kiss there to thank him. Luke noticed Ashton was looking at the couple too and they smiled knowingly at each other, but they didn't say anything. Michael would've said something if it had been them though, but Luke just let it go.

Calum was somewhere in the middle of the lake, because he apparently loved swimming and Michael was on the shore, glancing over to where Calum was to make sure he wasn't drowning or being eaten by a crocodile or something like that. Ashton and Luke were on their towel on the shore too and Ashton decided to hear their friend out.

"Aren't you afraid your boyfriend gets eaten by Loch Ness?" Ashton giggled.

"Yeah, how dare you let him go out of reach like that? It's not very safe you know." Luke joined in.

"He's not my boyfriend." Michael grumbled annoyed.

"But you want him to be."

"Why won't you just suck of Luke instead of irritating me? I bet he'd like that very much." Michael shot back, making both boys blush.

"I'm going to swim." Ashton said, avoiding the subject. Luke got up to join him and Michael made another remark about them Luke didn't quite hear. Ashton blushed though and it gave Luke some hope and confidence.

"Why did you tell him?" Luke asked. He wasn't sure if it was too early to talk about that morning but he really wanted to know. The boys were in the water doing nothing, just to cool down. Luke was way too lazy to actually swim.

"He asked." Ashton explained, and Luke decided not to ask any further. He wasn't mad or anything, it was just weird that this was actually happening.

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