Letter 33

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Dear Jonas
I had enough now. I'm actually now really pissed off at you. Just because I confessed to you doesn't mean you treat me like a total stranger. If you wanted to cut contact with me at least write one last letter that makes me understand and stop sending letters to you!

I never thought you would be this so...uptight or rude. It annoys me and angers me.

When a girl confesses to their friend that is a boy the boy doesn't ignore her forever. Instead he understands and make things clear between them because he's a true friend.

You know actually I get it now. To think that you were a pretty cool guy I was an idiot of falling for your act. You've been pretending to be this cool and kind guy have you? Well you had me fooled. Happy?

This is goodbye.
From Ava

The writing in my letter today was so messy because when I kept on thinking about about him the more furious I became. The print started to become darker as I tried my best to not make a rip on the paper.

"Can I come in?" My mom knocked on my door.

I looked back confused that she was still at home.


She walked in and sat at the end of my bed patting her hand beside her motioning me to come sit with her.

I stared at her weirdly before getting up and sitting next to her.

I thought she had gone out with dad to go to the Black Market again.

"I never had the chance to ask you this but are you doing alright? You seem off lately."

"I'm fine... Mom. I don't think you should keep going to the black market anymore. There are other ways to get enough food to feed four hungry mouths in this family." I said.

"Yeah, me and your dad know that very well. So he decided to not did things illegally anymore."

I felt a sense of relief flow inside and all the tension I had felt before suddenly disappeared.

"As long you two don't have to go out to someplace dangerous again to help the family. Than whatever it is you guys planned out that would make us have enough to eat and to keep this family running than it doesn't matter." I said, glad that they wouldn't have to go to someplace sketchy again.

She gave me a sad smile and what she was about to say was cut off by Molly's wail.

Immediately I jumped up and reached for the door handle to go see what was wrong.

Mom grabbed my by the arm "Your dad is talking to Molly. She'll be fine."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Your dad and me have decided to join the army. With the two of us off to the army there will be enough money-"

"Money. Food. Is that all you care about? What about us? Your abandoning your kids so we can live in peace while you two go out in the front lines getting shot at?." I started off saying the words softly before I started getting louder.

"Honey, the war will probably be over by the time we get sent off and we might not go to the Front Lines and be driving trucks!" My mom said in a light tone that was meant to sound happy.

"That's what they all say. So tell me what happens when you actually go the Front Lines. Let me tell you. You die, never get found, injuries that will affect the rest of your life and worst of all traumatized. So don't go." I pleaded.

"It's already decided and we're enlisting on Monday first thing in the morning. Cinda will take care of you guys. We have a week left together. Let's spend it together happily before me and your dad leave." She grabs my hands as big fat tears ran down my face blurring my vision.

It's scary to even think that your parents will have a high chance of dying. No it's even scarier to think that your parents will be gone for a whole bunch of days and no longer beside you. Everything is scary when your love ones decide to go to war.

Dad and Molly came in my room with Molly's eyes red and stuffy. Me and mom got up and did a group hug. Mom and Dad were hugging us tightly while Molly and I cried.

How much longer will this last before their no longer here with us and we're left on our own?

For now I'm just going to enjoy the time we have left with each other. I can't be stuck in thinking in depress thoughts of them leaving.

After all, live life with no regrets. Right?

Sometimes we don't know what happiness is before it's taken away from us.

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