Letter 32

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Dear Jonas
Ok I swear I won't even talk about my confession anymore after this letter. Don't think that I'm desperate to talk to you because I like you. I only want to have something to look forward at the end of week and share my thoughts with someone to reply to them. Remember how I said I'm your psychiatrist? To be honest you were the psychiatrist this whole entire time. Maybe we were both psychiatrist for each other but, never really noticed.

My crush on you is literally over. Trust me.
From Ava

Jonas still hasn't replied to me. I'm getting really desperate but at the same time I'm feeling annoyed. I mean you can still write to me even after that confession. Or not mean anything you say to me in the letters.

Maybe I'm the one here who took the letters to seriously.

My heart hurts every time I think about how he seems to not care at all. That he wasn't someone who I thought he was.

I keep telling myself to think negatively about him but, in my head there is always a little voice in the back of my mind saying "it's only been two weeks. He could be still trying to think straight."

I've wonder if I had fell too far in in this love hole I'd created in my mind of Jonas that I couldn't escape anymore.

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