Chapter 20: K.O. Knows

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By Jen Joyce

   It's already been 2 weeks since Raymond introduced Ernesto to his "just-friend" Fern, and so far, thing are going pretty normal over at Boxmore; although, Ernesto -- when alone with his younger brother -- would occasionally tease Raymond about things like, "So, how was your date last night?", followed up by "Have you two kissed, yet?". It'd never fail to cause Raymond to become flustered and trip over his own words. To sum it all up, no one but Ernesto was aware of Raymond's secret relationship with one of the Lakewood Losers.

   On the other side of Route 175, things were going pretty much normally over at the Plaza; the stores would open up, the employees would do their jobs, the plaza would be attacked by one of the Box-bots -- a.k.a. mostly Darrell -- and the Bodega employees would beat them up before returning back to the slowly dragging-on day. Yup, everything was looking as normal as ever. But, we all know that there's one thing that isn't like every ordinary day at the Plaza. No, I'm not talking about the newest Bodega employee, or how weird Rad's been acting, but rather, what's going on in a certain blonde's chat with her "just-friend" Raymond.


Time: 11:45 p.m.

Fern: So, it's how's life in Boxmore, lately?

Raymond: Not too bad.

Raymond: Although Ernesto won't stop teasing me about you and me...

Raymond: But apart from that, it's been alright.

Raymond You?

Fern: It's been fine.

Fern: I've been seeing Darrell fight for the past 2 weeks though.

Fern: Is Darrell, like the main fighter for Lord Boxman, or something?

Raymond: Eh, sorta.

Raymond: He's been fighting for a lot longer than most of us, Ernesto included.

Fern: Really? I thought he'd have some experience fighting the Bodega since he's older than all of you.

Raymond: Well, he's more of a worker than a regular fighter.

Raymond: He's technically the only employee that Boxmore has over here.

   "Hey, Fern!" Fern jumped, looking down to see that it was just K.O. "Oh, K.O., it's just you," Fern said, quicking putting her phone in her work bag. "Please, don't sneak up on me like that, you nearly gave me a heart attack." "Sorrey, but I came in here to get some super shaving beams, but I can't find them anywhere! So, I thought to myself, "Wait, Fern works here in the back, so maybe she knows where they are!" So, can you help me, Fern?" K.O. asked, putting his "puppy eyes" on. "Aw, okay. K.O. I'll help you." Fern said, getting up from her seat. "Yay!"

   Fern began to lead K.O. to the far right of the back, saying that the super shaving beams were right next to the super shaving cream. "So," K.O. said, catching Fern's attention. "Who were you texting to on your phone?" "O-Oh, j-just a friend of mine I met a while back." Fern replied, hoping her child co-worker would buy the lie; much to her relief, he did. "Really? Who?" "Uh," Fern paused trying to think of words that would be as vague as possible. "He's...not someone you'd see around here often."

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