Chapter 14: Fern's Past (Part 2)

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By Jen Joyce

On the last chapter of; "Roses and Ferns"

Raymond -- and us -- were seeing Fern's past via a special prism Fern had that allows someone to see the past of their owners. We last left off on Fern being given the necklace that was with her when she was abandoned years ago. Now, we are going to see more of Fern's past, which will explain how Fern knew Mr. Gar, how she helped him back then, and much more. So, on with the past!

*Timeskip: 2 years later*

Third Person's POV

   Fern was reading a book she brought with her on the school bus, which was returning from a 3-day long field trip to Battleburg 3K. It was a long -- for Fern, it was torturous -- and boring time they had there. It was filled with mostly educational tours, watching people working, and -- at least for Fern -- taking down notes for the inevitable quizzes on the trip. 'They should know by now that whenever something like this happens, the quizzes and tests are bound to come soon after.' Fern thought to herself as she put her bookmark in the book she was reading and put it back inside of her lime green backpack, carefully shuffling through its contents.

   She pulled out her yellow note-filled notebook and started to read over the notes she had written the entire time the class had been in Battleburg. After some time, she looked up from her notebook and looked at the student-filled seats in front of her. Since she wasn't very trusting of any of the other kids in both her school and orphanage, she sat in the back of the bus -- which only has room for one person since it's near the fire exit on the right and left -- where she wouldn't be disrupted by any classmates of hers.

   Fern closed her notebook. 'They're so happy, maybe I't think about that.' She thought to herself. 'You know for a fact that they don't care about you. All they care about is making you miserable. You don't have a power move, meaning you can't get adopted by heroes, and not even villains want you. They said that you were "beneath them", especially considering that-' POP!

   The bus stopped moving, causing the students to yelp in shock -- and/or fall out of there seats and on to the floor -- and caused the teacher to check on the bus driver. "M-Mr. Markz," Mrs. Apel -- full name "McCune Apel" -- said worryingly. "Wh-What happened? Why aren't we moving?" Mr. Markz -- full name "Tyre Markz" -- shrugged and said in his thick country accent; "Ah don't know, but judging from that poppin' sound, 's prob'ly some'ng wrong with the tires."

   "Um, Mrs. Apple?" A female student with black, shoulder length hair and a pink headband asked. "Wh-Why aren't we moving?" "O-OH!" Mrs. Apel quickly turned around to face the seats full of students who were looking worryingly at their teacher. "Um, well, we're...making a quick pit stop!..." Mrs. Apel nervously said, obviously lying, but the students didn't notice. She looked to the side, which had a perfect view of a shopping center -- thanks to the bus' see-through door -- which was called... "...At Lakewood Plaza Turbo! We need to buy some supplies before continuing on our way back from the field trip. We do have a long way to go before we reach Neo Riot City after all!" Mrs. Apel said, giving the students a big, fake smile. "And! We don't want another, "accident", happening like last time...Carlos..."

   She shot a glare at a kid with spiky, jet black hair, who was hiding his face in his blue hoodie to cover the embarrassed blush crossing his face. Some of the students laughed at this. "...and I would like to kindly point out that my name "Mrs. APEL"!! Not "Mrs. APPLE"!" Mrs. Apel sternly said. "But anyways, let's get off of this bus so I can assign your partners and we can go to Lakewood Plaza Turbo."

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