Chapter 31: Attack of the Siblings

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By Jen Joyce

On the last chapter of: "Roses and Ferns", and the sixth chapter of the "Old Wounds, New Friends" Arc

Carol and K.O. -- everyone's favorite mother-son duo -- arrived at Rosa-Tracheophyta Manor in time to get to their stations, along with Fern and Raymond. We got a sneak peek into what some of the Ernestos do when they get a sliver of free time when not working on important business work for Boxmore. Shannon's team are making their way to Rosa-Tracheophyta Manor to "play" with Fern, totally unaware that Fern is really Raymond's first girlfriend. What'll happen in this chapter?! The only way to find out is to read the chapter! I'll see you in the author notes! Oh, just a heads-up, I'm terrible at describing action so just bear with me, okay?

*Rosa-Tracheophyta Manor*

   Shannon, Darrell, Jethro -- who was being carried by his older brother due to all of the overgrown vines -- and Mikayla were within sighting distance of Rosa-Tracheophyta Manor, which also meant that they were within hearing distance as well; though, it wasn't like they were aware of it.

   "Shannon!" Darrell suddenly yelled, causing Shannon to jumped up and nearly fall on her face in surprise. Turning around, she was about to yell back what the big idea was, but she already got her answer from just looking at him. Darrell was carrying Jethro with both of his arms, the former breathing heavily and -- somehow -- sweating pretty obviously from running and carrying his surprisingly heavy brother for a while now.

   Once Darrell caught up to Shannon's spot, he gently placed Jethro down -- the latter rolling away while saying "thank you" in his own language -- leaned his hands on his knees, then proceeded to fall to the ground.

   "Darrell!" Shannon yelled out in surprise, not even caring if anyone heard her. Mikayla and Shannon immediately swooped down to Darrell's sides, lifting him up and off the ground. "A-Are you okay?!" Shannon asked, looking him directly in his eye.

   "Mi, Mi-Mi! *Translation: Uh, obviously not!* " Mikayla muttered under her breath, though this only earned her a quick glare from her sister.

   Inbetween deep gasps, Darrell managed to speak. "I-I'm *gasp* fine, Shannon," Darrell said, managing a weak smile on his face. "L-Let's *gasp* make *gasp* sure *gaaasssp* THAT-GIRL-LEARNS-HER-LESSON-FOR-CAUSING-OUR-BROTHER-TO-ACT-SO-WEIRD! *gasp* " The last thirteen words were supposed to be separate words, but instead came out as sounding strung together.

   Shannon blinked a few times, trying to mentally figure out what in Cob's name her brother had just said. Once she did, she seemed to show some worry. "Are you sure you can handle this?" Shannon hesitantly asked, holding Darrell by both of his shoulders.

   Darrell nodded, his artificial breathing pattern going back to near normal. "Yeah, *huff* I'm fine." Darrell pushed his sister's hands away, quickly changing the subject. "So, uh, where do I enter again?"

   "Well," Shannon began, trying not to sound as annoyed as she was with her brother. "You're gonna be going up the top, Jethro will go down to the basement, Mikayla will go to the left, and I'll be going to the right." Shannon balled up her fist, a determined look on her face. "Now, let's begin!" Everyone had equal looks of determination in their eyes, a bright fire burning behind the ocular receptors belonging to each of them.

   Unbeknownst to the quartet, Raymond had been watching them when he heard a loud yell sounding from outside. Once he spotted his siblings, he nearly fell from his hiding and squawked out; luckily, his quick reflects managed to keep him from falling and giving him away. Raymond quickly pulled out his walkie-talkie -- that Fern had given to all of them to alert the others in case one of them saw Shannon and the others coming -- and pressed down on the "talk" button.

Roses & Ferns (An OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora