Chapter 7: Getting to Know You

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By Jen Joyce

Fern's POV

   It's been hours since the others came to the Plaza, hours since I fixed Rad's van, and hours since Rad has talked to me. I don't know why, but every time I walk past him, he just looks down to the floor and continues with what he's doing. 'Maybe he's just embarrassed that he had to rely on a girl to fix his van.' Was what I thought to myself whenever he would do that. I had just finished double-checking my list to make sure I got the right amount of each item and what the items' names were. Some of them were starting to get low so I made sure to talk to Mr. Gar about it.

   "Hmm, well, we're just gonna have to order some more." Mr. Gar replied. "Thanks for letting me know, Fern." "No problem sir. I'll see you around." I returned to the backroom, made some calls, wrote down the deliveries' due date, and was now left with nothing to do. 'I guess now's a good time to text Raymond.' I pulled out my phone, turned it on, went to the messaging icon, and texted Raymond.

Fern: Hey Raymond, are you busy?

*POV Change*

Raymond's POV

   I had finished playing a few games of basketball with some Darrells and was now relaxing in my room when my phone went off. I knew who it was so I immediately checked it.

Fern: Hey Raymond, are you busy?

Raymond: No, I just got back from playing basketball with some Darrells. What about you?

Fern: I'm done with my work so I've some free time now. "Darrells"? What do you mean by that?

   "Ah, right, I never told her about the 'multiple copies of ourselves' part." I said to myself as I started typing the explanation for Fern.

Raymond: You see, when father creates one of us, he creates multiple copies of us so in case our previous bodies get destroyed, we'll still "live on", so to speak.

Fern: Oh, that makes sense now. I'm guessing that your father is Lord Boxman?

Raymond: Yes. Shannon and Darrell call him "Daddy" or "Dad", I call him "Coach Baxman", "father", or "Coach Box Dad", Ernesto calls him "Sir" or just "Lord Boxman", and Jethro and Mikayla just say their names when referring to him. But we all call him "Lord Boxman" from time to time.

Fern: I'm guessing Ernesto, Jethro, and Mikayla are your other siblings?

Raymond: Yes, they are. Ernesto, Darrell, Shannon, and Jethro are my older siblings while Mikayla is my little sister.

Fern: Wow, you must not get lonely then.

Raymond: Well, yes, I don't. But I really spend much time with them, they're always doing their own things.

Fern: Oh, well, that's too bad.

Raymond: Well, we're so different. It makes sense that we don't spend much time together. Anyways, enough talking about me, let's talk about you ok?

Fern: Um, sure. What do you want to know?

Raymond: Well, why are you living in that old, abandoned, wooden house?

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