Chapter 10: A Tour of Fern's House

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By Jen Joyce

   "H-Hey, Raymond." Fern said," panting while saying so. "I'm *huff* glad you're here." She smiled while leaning against the doorway. "Hey Fern," I waved to her with an awkward smile on my face. "Um, why do you appear to be out of breath?" "Well, *huff* I just *puff* ran from *huff* my bedroom, *puff* which is on *huff* the top left side of this place, *puff* to here." Fern explained, still trying to catch her breath. "Wow, I didn't expect you to run from there to here." I said. Well, it was true, I was surprised that she got up so early, yet has very bad stamina.

   "W-Well, I didn't expect you to come so soon," Fern said, finally catching her breath. "Anyways, come inside Raymond." Fern stepped out of the doorway, allowing me to get through. "Thanks, Fern." I look around the house and saw that it was even creepier than I remembered. Fern closed the door with a loud creak behind me, which kinda startled me. "Are you okay Raymond?" Fern asked me. "I-I'm fine." I lied. "Uh, say, why don't you show me around your house, I'm interested in seeing what it has to offer," I said, regaining my confidence.

"So, what do you say?" I reached out my hand, hoping she'd take it. "Okay, sure." She grabbed my hand, leading me away from the entrance. She began explaining to me about where everything is in her place.

"Okay, so, the entrance is in the front, but to the of it, there's a kitchen, which is where I usually cook my meals and other stuff like that. To the left of the entrance, is the living room we were in last night. On the second floor is where the bathroom, my bedroom, closet, and a few extra rooms are. You already know that my bedroom's on the second floor's left side of the house, the bathroom's on the far right side of the second floor, the closet is right in the middle of the house, while the extra rooms are in between the closet, bathroom, and my room. There's a visible basement here, as you could see from the outside, but I only keep emergency supplies down there so, it's not really that important unless there's an emergency." Fern explained, showing me every room in the house.

   I have to say, I was impressed with how Fern remembers where everything is, and just what to do with it. Knowing about this, it just made her more special than she already is. "Wow, that's impressive," I said out loud. "You must have an incredible memory to remember where everything is." "It's not that amazing, I just wrote down where everything was before I left," Fern said. "I even have the picture I drew years ago, but you can see that another time, right now, there's one more room you need to see." "Really?" I asked. "I thought I saw every room here."

   "Nope, there's one room left. C'mon!" Fern said, leading us down another hallway. "Okay, lead the way, Fern!" I said, enthusiastic about seeing this last room.


   "TA-DA! Welcome, to the Ballroom!" Fern enthusiastically as she pointed her arms up in the room we were currently in. It gave off the feeling of being inside of a castle. It was certainly nicer than most of the house, only a few things were boards were out of place. It had enough room to host a big event. It had a big, beautiful chandelier at the top of the roof, making everything look astounding. Some furniture was placed at certain points in the room, but I doubt it was actually used.

   "Wow, I never knew a room like this could exist in a house like this." I said in awe. "I know right?" Fern said. "I found this room when I was here years ago. *sigh* It's beautiful, don't you think?" Fern looked at me, her sapphire-like eyes sparkling reflecting the light around us. "Yeah," I responded. "It is." We looked down to see that we were still holding each other's hands. We quickly let go, blushing and looking away from each other.

   "So, um, have you ever danced in this ballroom before?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence between us. "Sorta. I know how to dance, but I haven't done it for a while." Fern said, rubbing her arm. "Well, then," I held out my hand for her to take. "Shall we dance?"

*POV Change*

Fern's POV

   I looked at Raymond's hand, shocked at what he just asked me. 'Raymond just asked me to dance? With him?' I wasn't sure on what to do. I've never danced with anyone before, but I guess there's a first time for everything. "Um, sure." I said taking his hand. He pulled me towards him with a grin. "Well then, what dance should we do?" He asked smoothly. I blushed at how he said it. "Um, how about the Waltz?" I suggested to him. "Sure, I don't see why not~."  We got into position and started to do the waltz, it was really fun actually.

   "Huh, you're better than you give yourself credit. How long have you been dancing again?" Raymond asked. "I've been dancing for a few years now, I just haven't had the time to dance." I responded. "Oh? How come?" "Well, I've been busy, not to mention you breaking into my house last night." "Oh, right. Again, I'm sorry for doing that." Raymond said, looking a little guilty. "Well, you needed to see me, so, I forgive you. It still doesn't get you off the hook for breaking in though."

   "Oh, so now you're back to fearing me, aren't you~?" Raymond says in a playful tone. "I'm more surprised that you didn't call the police after my stunt last night Fern~." "Well, I couldn't just let them take away my only friend now could I?" I playfully say back.

*POV Change*

Raymond's POV

   "Wait, what do you mean by-" "WHOA!" I was interrupted when Fern slipping on something on the floor. Acting quickly, I caught her by her lower back. I then realized how close our faces were from...kissing. Fern looked at me with wide eyes, a blush showing up on her face. I feel my own face heat up and my cooling fans turning on. After a bit, Fern said; "Heh, well, this is awkward."

   We were silent for a good five minutes or so -- during that time we were just staring at each other's in our eyes -- before I broke it. "U-Um! Let's get out of this position." "O-Oh, yeah, let's!" Fern replied, snapping out of her daze. We got out of that awkward position and stayed silent, looking away from each other. "Um, s-sorry about, you know..." I said, rubbing my arm while trying not to sound too nervous.

   "I-It's fine," Fern said, rubbing her arm too. "L-Let's just, continue dancing, okay?" She asked me, holding out her hand. "Y-Yeah, let's." I grabbed her hand and we continued dancing the Waltz, though I'm pretty sure we could sense the awkwardness from each other.

   We continued dancing until it was time for me to go and for Fern to get some sleep. We bid our goodbyes to each other and I flew back to Boxmore, replaying the scene in my head while doing so.


A/N: Well, looks like Raymond gets a tour inside of Fern's place and gets to dance with her in the giant ballroom. While they almost, almost, kissed, they didn't. Also, I should be studying my geography, but I'm not, derp(。々°). Also, sorry if this chapter seems a bit short, I wanted to get this out before I post something special for all of y'alls. I'll be doing this like, every 5 or 10 chapters. I wanna keep it even for me.

So, I hope you like this chapter, so until next time, FB&CC is the best show!

- Jen Joyce                              2-6-18

Words = 1,338

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