But what made me feel the most horrible, was Hyeokjae. Because, though he seemed completely comfortable with everythingin the beginning, now he didn't look happy at all. I couldn't help but feel like I was forcing him at this point.

At that point, I decided I wanted to leave. I wasn't quite certain the abrupt decision would do me any good, but suddenly, I craved home, no matter how much it paled in comparison to the sun setting at the beach over a bonfire,

"Hey, Aera?" I mumbled, listening for her almost silent hum. "I think I'm going to go home,"

She sat up slightly, looking me in the eye. "No, are you sure? Do you want me to drive you?"

I just shook my head, something inside of me sinking.

"No, it's fine. It's not that far of a walk,"

"It's cold, though. Seriously, I can just-"

"No," I cut her off, making her look at me strangely. "It's fine. Thanks, though,"

"Um, okay. Well, can I at least know why you want to go?"

I paused, unsure of my answer.

"I just don't feel right. I want to see if I can sleep it off," I decided, saying as much of the truth I could.

"Oh," She nodded. "Okay. There's medicine in the drawer in my bathroom if you need it,"

I just nodded, avoiding the angel's burning gaze as I stood up. I waved to everyone and told them goodbye, turning on my heel as quickly as I could. And when I got to the bottom of the stairs leading up to the parking lot, I stopped for a moment and just took a breath.

This was abnormal of me, irregular if you will. I just felt too greedy to feel normal. I knew my place and how to keep and not cross lines, but, this was just complicated. It was like I had just collected all of the irrational fears that had been piling up in back of my head the past couple weeks, moulded them into a ball and let it go.

But, because it was so irregular, didn't want to dwell on it much. I knew that it wasn't something to be dramatic over, but I wanted to spend some time alone, nonetheless.

When I decided I had sorted out my thoughts enough, I started to walk up the steps. But, I didn't get too far, the squeaking sound of sand being stepped on behind me startling me. And not long after, a hand landed on my shoulder, making me peek behind me.

Taeyong stood there, a few steps below me, his expression worried.

Normally, I would have celebrated 'unlocking' a new expression from him, but now it just made me sink a little deeper.

"Dohyeong, are you okay?" He asked, his voice really showing that he was worried.

I just gave him what I thought was a convincing smile and nodded. "Yeah. I'm good."

His eyebrows knitted together as his next words came out quietly. "I, I don't understand. Please explain?"

A real smile lifted the corners of my lips, my heart overflowing with feeling at the adorable sentence.

"I'll try to a little later," I nodded, the both of us walking down to the parking lot and starting the short walk home.

There weren't even s'mores.


His eyes were unreadable as I shut the door behind me, curious as they seemed to be drinking in the sight of me. But when I turned the lock, I was a little hesitant to meet them. I knew that he just wanted to know what in the world I was thinking, but I didn't know how to word it. It wasn't as simple as it was with Aera. I knew Aera, and I knew what to say to her. But, not him.


I looked up, meeting his gaze reluctantly.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine,"

He still looked doubtful, rightfully so.

"Is this about Hyeokjae?"

I didn't know how to answer that.

"Taeyong," I let out a sigh and reverted my gaze, hanging my jacket up on a hook. "I'm sorry, but I just want to go to bed,"

His brows knitted together in what was obviously confusion before hesitantly letting out, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Before I could reply, he let out a silent laugh before sheepishly admitting, "You being nervous is one thing, but this, I don't like seeing this at all,"

I smiled, and a little piece of me was quick to forget everything I was thinking, my heart swelling with admiration at his words. But I cut it off and then I was back where I started.

"It's not that bad. And, you don't have to do anything at all, Taeyong," I reminded him, earning a small smile from him.

"I know. But I want to, and what kind of person would I be if I didn't?"


AN: okay, since i know some of y'all are going to come for me because it seems like this is out of nowhere, I can assure you that there have been little details leading up to this point. It's all part of the plot, babes. ;)

speaking of plot, am i the only one that's insanely excited for the christmas chapter?

the spaces in betweenㅣtaeyong Where stories live. Discover now