3. Three Too Many

Start from the beginning

After a lot of tossing, turning, and groaning, I grew thirsty and realized that there wasn't any water in the hotel room, so I decided to go back up to the vending machines again.

I can't believe I sat up there for an hour and didn't think to get anything. This girl has me completely messed up and all we said to each other was our names.

As I stood in the elevator, my mind went back on forth, debating whether or not I even wanted to go all the way back up 50-something floors for a drink when I could have just ordered room service.

Maybe I'm not even actually thirsty. Maybe I'm just coming up with any excuse possible to go back up there so I could sit and loathe some more. When did I become so good at self torture?

When the elevator doors opened, I walked down the hall and turned the corner, and to my surprise, there was a girl sitting on one of the chairs with her back against me. All I could see was her long brown hair, and that she was on her phone, alone.

Why would anyone be up here at this hour? Oh, maybe she also fell in love with someone at the concert and now she's here mourning the death of her hopes and dreams, like me.

Just then, she turned around, and it wasn't who I expected it to be. Not at all.

It was Jessica.

She looked back at me with her mouth slightly open in surprise, and I got so lightheaded that I thought I was going to faint.

This can't be real, right? There's no way. How is this possible? It can't be. Things like this literally don't happen in real life. Or is this a prank? Am I being pranked? Are the cameras—

"John," she said, in a soft, delicate voice.

"H-hey," I said, shocked that I could even speak.

Seriously? Is this really Jessica? And she actually remembers my name? No, this has to be a dream. I'm going to wake up any minute now.

My mind went completely blank. We both looked at each other without saying a word. It was like time had frozen still. My heart was fluttering like crazy; it felt like I was staring at my lover from another life. But she was far from it. She was a celebrity, someone I had adored for years, and no matter what, I was still only just a stranger to her in the end.

"What are you doing here by yourself?" I finally asked, breaking the silence.

She put her phone down and turned her body around. "Me? Oh, I just wanted to be alone."

"Oh—s-sorry, I'll leave then."

"No—don't—I mean—you don't have to."

"But you said..."

"Sorry, I meant—I wanted to be alone. But not right now." She suddenly stopped talking and shut her eyes, like she was embarrassed and didn't know what she was saying.

"So...I can stay?"

"Yes—please," she said, her eyes still closed. "I mean—not please—but if you want...you can. I meant like, please...feel free...to not leave...if that's not something you want to do..."

"Okay..." I hesitantly walked closer.

Is she drunk? Why is she stumbling her words so much? Is that why she's here by herself? To hide from everyone because she drank?

"So, um...what are you doing up here?" she asked, finally opening her eyes.

I looked at the vending machines. "I...uh...was going to buy some water."

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