Chapter 17: My Father......

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* Mikael's POV

I was just walking around when my phone rang.

"Hello? Who is this?" I asked when I answered.

["Shouldn't You introduce yourself first."] I shaked in fear, and anger when I heard his voice. Crap! How did he knew my number?!

"Well, you're the one who called me so you're the one who should introduce yourself first." I tried to act tough and avoided stuttering. But my world collapsed to what he said next.

["Oh really? I don't think we should introduce ourselves especially you knew us before...."] he said as I heard a demonic laugh from him which made me shiver more. ["Right? Mikael Cherry, Rogaine..."] My eyes widened hearing it. How did he know?! But my eyes widened more and I shivered more when he said the words.... ["And do you know Hailey Mary, Aloever is in our hands?"] He said as he released a demonic laugh. What?! Oh no!

"What do you want from me?!" I exclaimed. People looked at me but... I don't care! He released a demonic laugh.

"Simple. Money." He said. My blood boiled.

"You did that to Kayla and now to Hailey just for money?" I cannot stop crying and expressing my hatred. "How could you?! You're not a human. You can't be! You're a monster!" I exclaimed.

"Whatever you say. Just remember, we have your precious friend's life. Don't do anything recklessly. Bye. Hahaha!" He laughed as he hung up.

"Hailey *sob* Hailey *sob* I'm sorry *sob*." Then when I turned around, I saw him.

"Drake!!" I exclaimed. He looked at me, confused.

"Mik-" He didn't had the chance to finish his sentence when I hugged him.

"*sob,sob,sob*" I just kept sobbing in his arms. Hailey... Hailey... please..... don't leave me too... Please....

"Mikael.... tell me what happened.." he said but, I tried to speak but I can't do anything but to sob.

"*sob* Hailey *sob*." I am really helpless... it happened again... I gonna lose another precious friend ... Hailey... I can't help but just to cry.

"Mikael..." he called my name in a way everyone can noticed he was hurting too. Was it is because of me? Because I am crying? "Tell me what happened." I tried to speak but I just..... can't. "Mikael...."

"Hailey *sob*sob*sob*." Hailey...

I remembered the the day she first asked me to be her friend...


I was just sulking in the corner while other played around.

"Kayla....." I used to call her name even now.

"Hey.. What are you doing there?" I heard someone said. As I raised my head, I saw a young girl. She had glasses on. "Why are you sulking there?"

"It's none of your business." I said, rudely. But instead of getting angry with me, she smiled. I raised my brow. "Why are you smilling even I talked rudely to you?"

"You look too cute for me to get angry. Don't you agree?" She said as she smiled. My eyes widened hearing that from her. How... How can she.... smile like that to me?... How could she... smile like....

how Kayla used to smile?.....

"Hey.... I am Hailey. What's your name?" She asked as she smiled.

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