Chapter 2: Meeting him...

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* Third person's POV

"Hindi mo ba talaga sasabihin sakin ang pinag-usapan niyo sa office?" tanong ni Hailey. She's pouting like a kid right now.

"Sorry pero hindi talaga pwede. It's confidential information." sagot ni Beth. Gusto man niya, she's the possible consequences of saying it. Danger. Not to herself but to Hailey's life.

"Kaya ko namang mag-tago ng secret ah." Nakalabing sabi ni Hailey. Talagang pinag-pipilitang alamin ito.

"Sorry but it's still no." She firmly said. She knows that Hailey has the right to know but for her, Hailey's safety comes first. She would tell her the truth but..... not right now....

"Don't you trust me?" nagtatampong tanong ni Hailey. She misunderstood her intentions because she is eager to know the truth.

"No! You're wrong! Of course I do trust you. You're my best friend." sabi naman ni Beth. It's true. Even though she don't know what can really be the effect in Hailey if she found out the truth about her true identity, she trust her.

"But why don't you tell me?" Her curiosity took over her and that turned into annoyance because she thinks that Beth thought she is a big mouth and untrustworthy.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. Just remember this....this is also for you. You, doesn't know anything about that, might be the best choice here." She assured her. She saw her pleading eyes but... She really can't tell her the truth. This might be called as lying but.... She have to do it. Because Hailey's life is on the line. And she thinks it because of her. That if she didn't agreed being friends with her when Hailey asked her to when they first met when they were kids, this wouldn't be this complicated. And Hailey's life wouldn't be threatened without her knowing.

"What do you mean?" Hailey asked while raising her brow. She's been weird lately. Especially when Mrs. Cesar called her. What now? What is really, going on here? Hailey asked in her mind.

"Me, hiding it from you, is the way protecting you." She gave her sincere eyes to say and to prove she's telling the truth. And to assure her.... a bit..... if that possible...

"Protecting me? Why? What really did you two talked about?" then unable to say the truth, she averted her eyes and bit her lower lip. "Beth?" Unable to control the gravity of her feelings that they hold, she just hugged Hailey, patting her head.

"This is the only way protecting you, Hailey." she whispered. "I don't want to lose you too." She tightened her hug as if Hailey is going to slip away from her like..... as if..... as.... as if.... She is.... her...

Lose me.....too? sabi Hailey sa isip niya.

"So don't asked about that to anyone. Please I begged you, Hailey. I really don't want to lose you......too. So please Hailey......" She hugged her proving what she is saying. And Hailey felt it. She hugged back. Even she doesn't know what's going on, she held back her curiosity because she noticed that Beth is having a hard time when she ask about something relating to that. She doesn't know Beth's real past but, the first time they met, she knew it. That, Beth had a painful past no one knows, even herself. She just patted Beth's back.

"Ok fine. I won't ask anymore if that's what you want. And you won't lose me, I promise." She assured her. She know how much Beth loves her and she love her too.

"Then, tuparin mo yang promise mong yan ha?" Beth pleaded. She's like a kid asking for a big present on her special day. Her birthday.

"Okay, I will. Beth." She said. And she's gonna make that true. She doesn't want to be the reason of her tears.

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