Chapter 7: Got asked on a date

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* Mikael's POV

It been 3 days since we talked. Me and Drake. I am grateful to him, so I want to show him my gratitude but I can't find him whenever I wanted to talk to him. And now, even I want to show him my gratitude, I am clearly mad at him, right now.

Where the heck is that guy?! Ugh! Iniiwasan ba niya ako?! But, what for?! Ugh! I am supposed to be thanking him, but, I am starting to hate him again. Like the first time we met. Ugh! He better show up! Or else-

"Beth?" Narinig kong tawag ni Hailey.

"Umm, yeah? What is it?" 

"Are you okay? You're spacing out again."

"Nahhh. I am fine. It's just....... nothing!" I assured her.

"If you say so. Oh! And I barely see Drake with us, what's going on? Don't tell me, you broke up?!"

"What?! No! Of course not! It's just that I don't see him these days."

"Oh, but, you sure? You haven't broken up yet?"

"No! We didn't, we haven't broke up." Yeah, we didn't. Why would we? Did we really had a real relationship? No, right? So there's nothing for us to break up. 'Cause from the start we're not a item.

"Ok. But, don't you think he cheating on you?"

"What? What's with that? No. He won't do that. Besides, he's not that kind of person. He might be a bully And a bad boy, he might be ruthless, but he has still a heart. A heart that can love, can forgive, can pity, can help him to feel joy." I depended him.

"You do really love, don't you?"

"Yes I do. And I know, he feel the same way to me." What theeeee????!!!!! What am I talking about?! What?! I love him?! The heck!! When did I?! Oh, well. But, it's true he's not that kind of person. And he has still have a heart. But, no! I don't like him, especially love him!! No!! How I wish to the ground to shallow me completely!! I hope this ends, now!!!!!!

"You are too sweet." She laughed.

"Hey. Don't laugh. It's not that I wanted to be like this, it's just that I love him so I'm kinda too sweet. Okay? Don't laugh." Yeah! Don't laugh! It's not that I wanted to be like this, it's just that I have to do this. It's for you moron. But I think he's nice, not like how he appears outside. Inside, I know he's a nice person with a good and nice heart. If not, he wouldn't comfort me like that, right? That's why I need to-  "Drake....."

"Huh?" Asked Hailey. I just saw Drake!

"Sorry but I need to do something. See you later Hailey!" I shouted as I chased Drake.

"Ok! See you later Beth!" I heard her said.

* Drake's POV

Did I heard her right? Does she really love me? No! What am I thinking?! She doesn't love me. She's just acting in my favour. So don't hope for it. She's just depending you for that. Then I went the rooftop. Then I heard her stepped in. I guess she followed me.

"Why did you followed me here, Mikael?" I asked.

"Shhhhh." She said. Huh? She followed me only to silence me?! What the?! "Don't call me that, Drake. What if someone heard you?" Oh, it's for her safety. Silly me. How can I forgot about that?

"Okay fine. Beth, why did you followed me here?"

"I just want to thank you. For, you know that already."

"Yes I know what you mean by that. You thanked me enough." I said.

"No. It's not enough. So I want to show my gratitude. So, maybe..... you want to have a......."

"I want to have a what?"

"Maybe, you want to have a date with me?" She asked me, and I clearly saw how embarrassed she is right now.

"What?!" I was shocked. A date with her?! The heck!! "What do you mean?" A shocking news! I mean, now she's the one asking me for a date, not the other way around, so, I'm kinda not used to this.

"Maybe you can have a dinner with me, wanna have fun with me. My treat! If it's alright with you."  Mmnm. Why not? She's my girlfriend. I mean my fake girlfriend. And she only want to thank me by this. Mmmmm.

"Sure, why not?" I replied as I smiled, a genuine one. She smiled. "So when Will we be having our date?" I asked.

"Mmmmm. Maybe tomorrow, it's Saturday." She said.

"Alright, I am free." I said.

"Okay. We'll just meet tomorrow morning at the park." She said.

"Okay. But what time?" I asked.

"Maybe, 8 am in the morning." She said.

"Okay. I'll gonna pick you up tomorrow then." I said.

"Yes you will. Oh, and see you tomorrow, I'll gonna go then. Hailey is waiting for me. Bye." She said. I just chuckled at her expression when she asked me. Priceless, she's so red. Cute. I gotta go and get ready for tomorrow's date with Beth. I hope it's a good idea.

* Mikael's POV

I was speechless. He smiled. A genuine one. It's the first time he done that since we met each others. I was so nervous when I asked him. I thought he will refuse. Thank goodness, he accepted. Now I should get ready for our date tomorrow. Gotta go ang plan it through. I hope he'll enjoy it. I can't help but to smile.

"Hey Beth!" I heard Hailey said.

"Coming!" I said as I approached towards her. "Did you wait too long?"  I asked.

"No, I just from the locker room. I just got here." She said.

"Oh, really?" She just nodded. "Now let's go." I said as I smiled.

"Hey, Beth.." she called.

"Mmnm." I answered.

"Did something good happened between you and Drake?" She teased.

"What?! N-no! What are you thinking?! I depended.

"Geez. I am just joking." She said, laughing.

"Whatever. Come on, let's go." I said.

"Okay." She agreed.

                              End of the chapter

Oh yeah, Drake got asked to a date! Drake blushed!

Drake: What?! No I didn't. You liar!

Author: You did blushed. Stop denying it.

Mikael: Oh is that true Drake? You blushed?

Author: He did.

Drake: No I didn't! Really!

Author: Yeah, yeah, keep denying.

Mikael: Drake blushed because of me?

Author: Yes he did.

Mikael: * Blushed *

Author: Now you did too. What a couple.
* sighed *

Drake: S-shut up!

Author: Oh now you're stuttering.

Drake: And we're not an item!

Author: Whatever.

Well, see you on the next chapter hoped you liked it.


All of my private conversations with the characters are not included in the story.

Thank you again for reading.

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