Chapter 12: Way too perfect!

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* Mikael's POV

Since that happened. We both avoided each others. The atmosphere between us became awkward. Then, now it's Thursday. It's the sport fest day. We all are wearing our P.E. uniform.

"Beth!" I heard Hailey called as she run towards me. When she went in front of me.. "Are you excited?" She asked.

"Don't know. But I know you are." I stated.

"Really? Am I so obvious?" She asked. I just nodded. "Hehehehe, I am just looking forward to this. That's all." She said.

"It's obvious you are." I stated.

"Hehehehe." She laughed.

"Oh, what sport, you will be doing?" I asked.

"Badminton." She happily said.

"Like what I guess." I stated.

"Huh? How?" She asked.

"Remember? You told me it's your favourite sport?" I reminded her.

"Ahhh. Kaya naman pala." She said.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. You and your memories." I teased.

"Hehehehe. Ah, what happened to you and Drake?" She asked.

"Ah, ummm. Ah, ummm. We- nothing. It's nothing." I said but she looked at me, suspiciously.

"Bet-" then the bell rang. Thank you bell. You saved me!

"Hailey. Mamaya na lang ha. The program are getting started." I said.

"Tsk. Mamaya aalamin ko din." She said and we went to the place where the program will be held.

*Drake's POV

That day, I am only wanting to tease her but I don't know what gotten in me that I kissed her. It wasn't really my intention!

But, kissing that lips. It's so good. I re-

What the?! What are you thinking about DRAKE RAI, JERSEY?! Are you gone nuts?! It isn't that good.

But. I want to ki-

DRAKE RAI, JERSEY! Stop thinking about that! Focus in the reality!

But isn't that a reality? It happened right?

Stop! Stop! Stop! Ugh!!!!! What gotten in me?! Why did I kissed her?! Ugh!!!

I am at the corner of the school. Leaning at a wall. Sulking.

"So, there you are." I heard someone said. And I saw........... Andrew.

"Oh. It's just you." I said. Then he chuckled. "What?" Annoyance was visible in my tone.

"Oh. It's just you." He stated. "Are you expecting someone else? Or...... y-" before he can speak again, I interrupted him.

"What do you want?" I said a cold tone.

"Ouch. You're so cold to me." He said, faking his pain. Making me chuckle at his foolishness. Then he smiled.

"Andrew." I called.

"Yeah bro?" He responded.

"I need to ask you something." I said.

"Ask right away bro." He said.

"You're a feelings expert, right?" I asked.

"Yup. I am. Why?" He asked.

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