Chapter Forty One

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Tijani POV

It's been a long day .I lay back in my bed thinking about the first life that I had speared .

If my dad finds out he will torture me then kill me .He does not care if I am his son or not ,he takes his work serious.

"Tijani !.Get the hell down here ", I heard my dad voice echoes through the building .I know something was wrong so I did not move.

Seconds later my body tensed at the sight of the door being kicked in and my dad was standing there with his gun in his hand.

"How dear you !",he exclaimed.

"What did I do now ?", I asked annoyed and aggressively at the point that he kicked my door in.

"What did you do? ",he raised his voice and gripped onto my ears pulling me downstairs.

"C'mon dad, that hurts", I hissed on the way trying to pull away but I could not.

He stops between his steps in the living room and I stopped too ,my eyes meeting with someone I regretted .

"Oh no ", I spits out softly.

"I thought you get rid of this trash ", my dad growled at me as the girl cried in pain.

I glared at her " You couldn't run away to save your life ", I shouts at her .

My dad looks at me aggressively "Your disobeying your dad's rules now", he asked sending a punch straight to my face and I fell to the ground .

"Because of this ,that lill Cutie of your's going to die", he told me sending a kick into my chest .

"You wouldn't dare ", I warned him and he laughed sending another kick into my belly .

"You do not even know shits about this girl huh.", he spits at me stepping into my head.

"You don't either ", I barely breathe out.

He laughed " You don't even know who's daughter your so called in love with', he groaned pulling me up from the floor and by the time he could try anything else my forehead met his and his grip loosen from me .

He rubs his forehead and laughed " Your fighting me for your enemies daughter ", and I stopped in my movements and look at him confused.

"What ?", I asked pointless wiping blood from my mouth .

What was he talking about ?.Who's child was his enemy daughter?.

He laughed "That's Kevin daughter .You don't see the resemblance in his wife and her", he asked and I wondered what he was talking about trying to remember Kevin's wife . Oh shit ,she and Keisha did have the same resemblance but how did I not know.

My heart break and rage into anger at the same time. How could this happen to me?. How did I never see this coming ?.

" Yes my son .We need to get rid of her .She is the main key to Kevin and Justin heart .The Justin that killed your favourite Uncle and the gang that kills most of your friends. If she die they die", he influence me .

"Now kill this girl", he ordered me putting a gun into my hand pointing to the girl.

I could not do it "Do it and stop be the nice dude that that girl turn you into .She do not love you .She maybe not even never mention the words to you .She got all her fathers blood in her, she got no love and she will never love you ", he told me causing my mind to spins and my body to tense up with his words .He was telling the truth .

Maybe Cutie was using me .Maybe she knows about my dad and was using me so her dad could get to us .Those words runs through my head and I tried hard to clear it .Her brother killed my Uncle and I am going to get back to him through her .I grinned .

I hold up the gun to the girl and she screamed but that didn't matter .It's revenge time .

I pulled the trigger and put her out of her miseries .

"That's my son "dad laughs patting my shoulder .

"She's coming over tomorrow ", I say .

"More fun "dad smirk.

The Bad GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang