Chapter Twenty Six

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Cutie POV

Time fly so fast ,I'm already 14 and Tj 16,four years of friendship so great. Tj and I have so many fun together I don't know what I would do without him. He was also like my brother but to strangers he's like my boyfriend. I can't blame them because we were so closed ,we flirt in public, we sleep and cuddle in the same bed and tell each other secrets but we do set our rules .


1.Never hide anything from each other.

2.No girlfriend or boyfriend can come between our relationships or change it.

3.We will always be happy for each other when we are dating a person.

4. We will never betray each other.

5. We will never leave one's side no matter what and what every happen we will always forgive each other.

Well that was other five rules.

Putting on my clothes to go to school Tj whispered from behind me in my ear "You seems sad what's wrong?",.

"Nothing .I'm just not feeling up today it's like something bad happened or is going to happened",I frowned.

" Cheer up mon. So you were leaving without me cute face", he stated then start to tickle my sides.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!. I 'm happy now", I laughed, he just know how to make me happy when I'm sad.

I place my right hand on my chest putting emphasis on my words " I wouldn't dare to do that pup face ", I continued and he giggle at me "Your so cute",.

"So I finally got all the features of being your girlfriend", I flirt.

He place his index finger on his chin "Let me guess. Mmmmh, You kick ass and I don't want a girl that kick ass, your just so perfect as my forever bestfriend .

I frowned "No prob dude",.

"Uncle Wayne I'm going over to dad to get my money to go to school", I shouted.

"Let Tj go with you and you both could take the bus",he shouts back.

"You heard that pup face so let 's go",.


Walking into Ricks house "Dad !!Justin!!Rick!!", I called out when Justin appeared.

"Hi sis ", he stammered out awkwardly .

"Hi big brother ,you miss me", I excitedly asked flinging my arms around him .

"Ye I do",.

"What's wrong you seems sad. Did Cath leave you again", I asked with a sad puppy face.

He smile " No sis , she's actually still in bed",.

"Ohk ,you keep her up all night ", I smirked.

"Can't you just stop with your smirking cute face ",Tj laughed.

"No " I hissed playfully.

"Justin where is dad I need some cash to go to school",.

"Dad is not feeling good .Here", he said taking out a wallet from his pocket and hands me more than a day lunch money. I didn't resist it I took it.

"Thanks bro", I said turning around to the door.

On my steps I stopped" Wait Justin ,Is everything ok",.

"Yes sis , you know this thing is on my mind...__Just go to school I'm good",.



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