Chapter four

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Its my sister tenth birthday today .She's growing up so lovely .Every year my dad would bring home big present for her and bring her out to movies.She's  a spoil one and I love her so much.

"Yo big bro Justin where's pa",she shouted at me.

I laughed "Come her ....Your speaking like a gangsta huh",. I said .

"Just trying to speak like dad ",she said slightly thumbing my shoulder.

"Yo daughter here is your bad father ",dad said coming from around a corner laughing .He must have heard her but he wasn't here. I saw three familiar men following behind him.

Cutie ran to him and hugged him around his waist and he kissed her on her forehead.

"What's up Nick ",she said pushing off his big thumb .

"You come for more trouble Orain",.
"And you Wayne come to teach me more tricks ",she said punching his fist and wink at him .

"Yo Justin ....bring your sister to the movie for me .Am not going to be able to do so I got some work to do",.

"Ok dad ",.

"She's going to be one bad ass ", I heard Nick says to my dad as he laughed.

Cutie stuff her face with popcorn as she watched the movie . I told her to watch a cartoon but she insist that its too girly and she wants to watch an action movie .I tried to tell her that its too violent for her but she didn't listen .The show reach the scenes where killing take place.Shots were firing and blood was spilling all over the place .It also seems too violent for me.

The movie is finally over .

"Bro did you see how that man died ,its so funny.The way he stucks his tongue out like a wild animal",she said laughing while showing me actions . Wow she's really good ,that man's death was deverstating.

"Can I get an ice cream ",she asked me pointing towards the ice cream bus.

We walked over and she ordered strawberry cookie cream. I don't eat ice cream it's too girly.
Our home was a walking distance from the movie theater so we agreed to walk home.

Half way home the rain came pouring down heavily .

"Is this happening ",cutie laughed"Let's race ",.she continued.

"I bet yah ",.

"I will count to three....1.....2...",and she speeds off "3",.

"Yo that's unfair", I said running behind her.

Opening the door we was so soak in water .Actually no one wins the race we both tied .

"I wonder were you guys were", my mom said .Why is she so always over protected when it comes to us .

"We are here now mom ",I said walking upstairs and was followed by my sister .We both changed and went to bed to sleep. She just always want to sleep with me .

I woke up looking at my alarm clock its midnight .I was at thirst so I slowly walked downstairs to get some water .I heard whispering .

"Why do you have to bring my son into this",my mom argued.

"He has to know darling ...its what I do and he has to be a part of it or he will get hurt",.

"He won't ",my mom shouted.

"Darling you have to understand", my dad said aggressively holding her hand and jerked her.

"Your hurting me Kevin",.

"I'm sorry darling ",my dad said kissing her on her forehead and sit into the coach running a hand through his hair.

I ran back upstairs .They were arguing about me I know its me .I lay in the bed thinking about what I heard and it brings me back to that night at the hospital where I saw my pa with a gun and he told me I will soon know all about it.Well if its what it is I don't want to be apart of it .

My sister shift beside me .

"Bro are you OK ",.

"Yes sis ",I said falling back into my sleep.

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