Chapter Three

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Picture of Cutie above guys:

My mom smiles at me as she showed my baby sister to me.

"Mom she's so pretty...... So what's her name ",. I said looking at them both ,my dad was sitting on the left side of the bed holding my mom hand.

"You can name her sweetie ",my mom said.

"Are you sure ", I said excitedly .

"Yes son ",my dad said nodding his head.

"I will call her cutie because of her beautiful appearance",."Her black hair ,brown eyes and cool complexion .She's just perfect for that name ",.

She got my dad's eyes and my mom hair and tiny lips but she looks just like me,the other part of me.

The doctor steps in with a note pad in her hand.
"Mr Clayton visiting time is up ,Mrs Clayton need to rest .She will be discharged  tomorrow ","The baby is healthy and your wife body is recovering fast ",.

"Thank you mam ",my dad said then kiss my mom and my baby sister on their forehead.

On our way out a tall dark man collapse into my father .

"Yo look where your bloody going",my dad said pushing his chest .

"Run Justin ", he said to me but I walk backwards slowly in the directions of the elevator . I saw the man hand reached for his waist where he pulled out a gun .My papa doing to die I think to myself but what I saw I knew its either one going to die .

My dad pulled out a gun of his own out of his waist .I was shocked ,is my dad a cop. I saw two cops walked in and my dad and the man noticed .They both quickly push back their gun into their waist.

"You get away this time ",the man shout to my dad as he walk down the hall.

"Let's go ",my dad said "Before these cops see's me",.
So he's not a cop .

"I told you to run ", he shout at me while driving home .

I was frighten by his shout and the hit he hit the staring wheel got me scared.

"You .....person ....I .....matter ....what ...the ....circumstances .....are "I stammered out .

He didn't say anything than crack a half smile at me.

"But dad what are you doing with a gun ",I asked concerned.

"You will soon know my son because you will be apart of this soon", he said rubbing my head.

"Can't wait ",I said happily .

He look at me surprised.

"You don't understand this yet my son",he said smiling.

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