Chapter Twenty Eight

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Cutie POV

I eased my body up from the ground and ran up the stairs as quickly as possible. The house was a four storage and I ran every stairs fast as possible .Catching my breath as fast as I could I kick the exit door to the roof opened. "Dad please don't ",I breathed out. He tilted his head around to look at me "Your alive", he cried.

"Yes dad, am here .Please don't leave me",.

"I can't bare this ,I just killed you .You were dead a couple seconds ago",.

"Don't think about that dad, just know I am here",.

"I am sorry cutie",.

"Dad please don't do this. Your the one that thought me never to give up no matter what and told me I should fight !",I raised my voice at him tears forming into my heart.

"I lost your mom and I almost lose you too",.

"But I 'm here dad just step down off that edge please . I forgive you but if you jump I will never forget this day so I will never forgive you" I walked up to him stretching my hand out.

"Do this for me . I love you dad", I continued.

"I love you too", he replied stepping down and I hug him as tightly as possible "Promise you will never leave me...Always" I whispered.

"I promised ",.


I am at Tj house again, he wanted me to stay with him again and he told me the truth .He told me he never knew about my mom's death until the day I fainted. How stupid was I ?.

Sitting in the coach downstairs at midnight, I couldn't sleep. I was just thinking about today .I don't know what I would do if I did lose my dad too. I just cannot understand why my life is like this and why I have to go through so much pain and phrases.

"You can't sleep", someone said touching me on my shoulder snapping me out of my illusion .

"I am just thinking about everything Tj .If I wasn't there I would have lost my dad too",.

He sits besides me "That's why you was there, for this moment. Your special Cutie",.

"You think that ",.

"I don't think I know",.

"So how comes I wasn't there to save my mom",.

"That's a different situation. You are young and if you was there you wouldn't be here today",.

"Kirk is a dangerous man and he would have killed you too ",he continued.

"My mom did nothing Tj",.

"Its just life Cutie and I promise we would get back your revenge together",.

"Promise ", I ask staring into his eyes .

"I Promise",.

"Now let's go sleep ", he continued pushing his hand out to me.

Getting up I followed behind him ,entering the room he jumped onto the bed.

I lay at the front staring at the door ,then I felt his warm body against mines and his hands over me.

"Go to sleep now. I will be here until you fall asleep ", he whispered in my ear and with that I fell asleep.



I groaned as I couldn't get free out of Tj grip to get off the bed.

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