Chapter fifteen

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Justin POV

My body felt much better ,thanks to my dad.He knows how you deal with these shits and he was teaching me statics in case anything like this happened again and he's not around .Sigh

"Keisha help me with him to the coach ",he shouted then run into his store room for some bullet ashes and a lighter .

"Keisha go "he ordered my mom before sending cutie to hers.

"I am not leaving my son" ,she raised her voice at him.

"Keisha!", he growled and mom left out of my sight .

My vision was getting blurry ,I heard him hiss "this is not going to work", .I try to push the blurriness away when I saw him with a sword by the fire place heating it up "Oh No  !",I burst  out then the blurriness takes back its control.

"Son this is going to hurt a bit so bite on this",he said putting a piece of board in my mouth .

I yelled out when I felt the heat applied to my foot ,I spit the board out my mouth when the heat was then applied to my Chest"Bloody hell!!!",I cursed through out my pain .

I  shift my head back and forth weakly as I try to bare the pain .

"Pain is apart of this son ",I heard him whispered to me as the blurriness took over .

                                                                                                             End of Flashback


Sigh , I'm here again thinking about Catherine. My dad informed  me that  she never left my side and she shed more tears than he did,I do like her but I don't know what the hell is wrong with me .

The Bad GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora