The First Task

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Hey peeps! Hope you are all doing good! Did you all like the last chapter? I hope you did!! This will start about a week before the first task. Sorry that this has taken sooooooooooo long for me to get out, I have been trying to figure out life. I will try to update more but it's been hard lately, I'm trying to get a new job and this isn't something that is on my priority list yet, at the same time, it is. That is because, I see all of your comments to update and I promise that I will try more. But anyways, let's go to the chapter!

Harry's POV

I start freaking out as soon as I wake up.

"First task is in a week! No!" I say, sitting up in bed. I groan as I rub my eyes. I look over at Draco, who's still sleeping soundly. He looks so beautiful, I can't believe that he's mine and only mine. I get up to go take a quick shower before classes start. I yawn as I walk towards the bathroom, trying to be a little quiet so he can sleep a little longer, but I doubt he will, he can't sleep if I'm not in bed with him. I get into the shower and try to be quick.

"Hades? What are you doing?" I hear Draco yell.

"I needed a shower before classes, I'm sorry I woke you." I reply. I get out and dry off before walking back out with my towel around my waist. I wave my hand to get dressed and have him dressed at the same time. I grab his hand to go to breakfast as he yawns. We head down to the Great Hall and sit down next to our friends.

"Morning guys." I say to the three of them, Blaise, Greg, and Vince.

"Morning." They say, tired. I grab some food and eat it as quickly as I can being as tired as I am.

"Why are you eating so fast, Hadrian?" Blaise asks me.

"I don't want for Krum to have any reason to sit here. He annoys me so much." I reply, as I look around.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." I mutter as I see Krum walking into the Great Hall. I eat faster as he starts to walk over to us. Blaise stands up and starts walking towards Krum as he gets closer

"Listen here, Krum," Blaise starts to say, venom in his voice. "None of us like you, you tried to take one of my best friends away from his boyfriend, my other best friend, and I don't like that. So, stay away if you don't want to get beaten." Krum's eyes widen as he starts to back away and then suddenly turns, walking fast towards the other Bulgarian students. Blaise sits back down.

"Thanks Blaise. I hate dealing with him." I say as I continue to eat. He nods and we all continue to talk as we eat. As soon as we all finish, the five of us head to class. We all laugh as we walk to Transfiguration with Gryffindor. The five of us walk into the classroom and sit in the front.

"Good morning class. Now, I know that it will be a little hard to concentrate due to the first task being in a week, but it is still school and you need to focus." McGonagall starts the class with a speech. My friends and I nod, understanding that we still need to learn. The class goes by quickly, as do the rest of them. I just want to go back to the dorm and go to sleep.

After all the classes are over, all the students are starting to get more and more excited. Draco and I walk to the courtyard to quickly get our homework done before dinner. As we are working, I look up in order to see who is around. I see Krum walking out of the castle and walking over to us. I sigh as I watch him, before standing up to talk to the Bulgarian.

"What do you want, Krum?" I ask, venom already in my voice. He stops about a yard away from me.

"I just wanted to talk to Draco." He replies. I scowl and glare at him.

The Real Story of Harry Potter (Drarry/Creature Inheritance Harry/Dark Harry)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ