The Quidditch World Cup

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Hey peeps!! Hope you liked the last chapter! This one hopefully won't take as long to write as I can do it during my off hour in school. I will be getting a little bit from the book but you will know when I do that as it will look like this: this  and a few things will be from the movies so they will look like: this  and it might take me awhile to get it as I need to find what I want in the book. I hope that no one else will fight over the Houses anymore because there is no point in it, all the Houses are equal. Anyways, on with the story!!


Hadrian and Draco have to get up early in the morning in order to go to the Quidditch World Cup. Draco lightly shakes his boyfriend to wake him up.

(Hadrian's POV)

My eyes flutter open when Draco shakes me.

"Love, time to wake up, we need to get ready to go to the Quidditch World Cup." He tells me. I groan when I see the time. It shows that it's only 5 o'clock in the morning.

"Why do we have to get up so early?" I ask him. He sighs, already telling me why last night.

"Hades, we have to get to the apparition area on time or we won't be able to go to the World Cup. Father told us this last night before we headed to bed." He reminds me. I nod.

"I know but it's so early. I want to sleep more." I whine. He sighs again but starts pulling me off the bed. I yelp as I fall to the ground with a thump. He starts chuckling as I stand up. Someone knocks at the door and opens it. Cissy pokes her head into the room and raises her eyebrow.

"What are you two up to this early in the morning?" She asks us. We both start giggling.

"I was trying to wake him up so that we can get ready to go to the World Cup but he didn't want to so I had to pull him off the bed." Draco tells him mother. She shakes her head but still has a smile on her face. She leaves us to it, and we both start getting ready to head out. I watch as Draco packs a bag for the both of us for the night.

"Dragon, I thought we were going to leave after the game ended. Have the plans changed?" I ask him as he's packing. He sighs once again, also telling me this last night.

" Are you really that tired that you can't remember what we were talking about last night?" He asks me. I nod with a small blush on my cheeks. He chuckles and kisses the top of my head.

"We will have to get changed before they come as well as before the game for which team we are routing for. We are representing purebloods though and have to be rooting for the team discreetly. Now, get up and get dressed before Father gets mad." He scolds me. I sheepishly nod and scurry to get up off the floor. I practically get dragged over to the wardrobe by Draco. I laugh as he's dragging me. I stand up and walk to the wardrobe, opening my side and grabbing today's clothes and taking them into the bathroom so that Draco can get dressed.

"I'll be right back, Dragon." I tell him. He nods and I close the door behind me. I get dressed as quickly as possible and walks back out to see his bare chest as he looks for a shirt in the wardrobe. I stare at him until he notices that I am. I see him raise his eyebrow, barely, and I look away with a blush. He walks over to me and turns my head with his fingers and makes me look into his eyes.

"You know I don't mind if you stare at me, I know you like what you see, you've stared at me since halfway through first year, don't think I didn't notice. Kind of hard not to." He tells me. I blush harder and softly kiss his cheek, pushing him back to the wardrobe to get a shirt. He chuckles and pulls out one of his shirts, putting it on. As soon as it is on, there is a knock at the door.

The Real Story of Harry Potter (Drarry/Creature Inheritance Harry/Dark Harry)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz