The Meeting with Neville

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Hey peeps!!! Hope you liked the last chapter, I'm thinking after this chapter, I might skip a few years as I have nothing else to write about in their third year. If you want me to go to their fourth year I can, I'll have Hadrian in the TriWizard, but only if you want me to. Now, on with the chapter!


(Hadrian's POV)

When I wake up, I hear Draco in the shower, singing the old version of the Slytherin anthem that I've heard Uncle Luke sing before. I get dressed and start thinking of what the best way to talk to Longbottom will be. I'm so immersed in my thought, I don't hear Draco get out of the shower. He walks up behind me and I jump in surprise.

"Oh. Hi. I didn't hear you coming." I awkwardly say. He chuckles.

"I could tell. What were you thinking about?" He asks me.

"Just what the best way to talk to Longbottom would be. I was thinking of sending him a note during breakfast telling him to meet us somewhere, but he won't know it's us." I tell him. He thinks about it for a moment before nodding.

"That should work, where will we meet him?" He asks me.

"Abandoned classroom on the second floor at 8 pm tonight?" I ask, unsure if that is a good idea.

"Sounds great! Can you write the note now so we can get it up to one of the school owls before breakfast?" He asks me. I nod and quickly conjure a piece of parchment paper and a quill, writing the quick note.

Dear Neville Longbottom,

Will you meet us in the abandoned classroom on the second floor at 8 pm tonight? We need to have a little chat.

Sincerely, Anonymous

I finish the note as Draco finishes getting dressed. We hurry out of our dorm and up to the owlry, trying to find the least suspecting owl. Once I see the one, I call it down to me and attach the note to it's leg.

"Take this to Neville Longbottom during breakfast." I tell the bird. It hoots and the two of us head back downstairs, just in time for breakfast to start. A few minutes later, the owls start flying in, delivering packages and letters to students. I watch as Neville receives his note and then puts it in his pocket, not turning to Weasel.

Neville used to be good friends with the Weasel but has gotten distant. Not that Weasel would notice, he's a daft as a dumbbell. Neville continues with his breakfast as normal. I snap back to the Slytherin table as Draco shakes my arm.

"Yes, babe?" I ask him.

"You're staring over at the Gryffindor table quite a lot." He informs me, a hurt look in his eyes.

"I was just making sure Longbottom got the note." I tell him.

"I don't want any of them and I couldn't go after them if I wanted to, because you're mine and I'm yours." I tell him before kissing his cheek. He visibly relaxes as I say that.

"I'm sorry babe. I was worried for nothing, I know that. I just have all these insecurities and my brain didn't want to work properly once I saw you staring at Longbottom. I just don't know what I would have done if I didn't have you." He blabbers on. I smile at how cute he is before he stops talking, a small blush creeping onto his face. He turns his head to shield his face from my gaze.

"Oh stop that. You're adorable!" I say as I turn his face towards me. He smiles and quickly kisses me before going to his breakfast. As soon as we are both done, we head to Potions with the Gryffindors. Draco and I sit in front while Blaise sits behind us. Once everyone is inside the classroom, Uncle Sev walks in, his robe billowing behind him like normal.

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