Gringotts and the Twins

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Hey peeps!!! Hope you liked the last chapter! The next few chapters will be mostly just Hadrian and Draco recruiting people for their circle. This will start with Draco and Hadrian talking with Neville, just how Neville felt. On with the chapter!


(Neville's POV)

I wait until 7:50 to head to the classroom that the note told me to. I wonder who would want to meet with me at this time. I walk up to the door and see a head of platinum blonde hair walk behind the door.

Is it Luna? I ask myself. As the door closes, I knock. The door opens, revealing Hadrian Riddle and Draco Malfoy.

"W-what are y-you two doing here?" I stutter.

"Longbottom, calm down. We just want to talk." Malfoy tells me. Riddle nods from next to him.

"W-why do y-you want t-to talk w-with me?" I ask, stuttering even more in fear.

"Wasn't your 13th birthday last summer?" Riddle asks me. I slowly nod, suddenly confused.

"Did you get a letter from Gringotts that day?" He asks me. I shake my head no, obviously not knowing where he was going with the information. I barely hear him curse under his breath before he turns to Malfoy, eyes pleading for help.

"We need to talk to Uncle Sev, now." Malfoy tells Riddle. He nods and grabs my arm as Malfoy grabs Riddle's hand and starts dragging us towards the dungeons.

We're going to see Professor Snape? Why though? Why not go to McGonagall? I think to myself. We arrive at the Potions teacher's office and Riddle knocks on the door. A second later, Professor Snape opens the door, obviously surprised to see us.

"What do you need?" He asks, using a voice I've never heard the man use. It sounds like the kind of voice that a father would use with his child.

"The four of us need to talk." Malfoy says. Snape nods and moves out of the way, letting us into his office.

"What is this about?" He asks us. I notice Riddle looking towards Malfoy to which Malfoy nods back. Riddle takes a deep breath.

"Well, Longbottom here never got anything from Gringotts on his birthday. After the meeting with Father and the Inner Circle, we know that he should have." Riddle tells Snape. Snape nods.

Father? Inner circle? That sounds like Death Eaters!

"We can go tomorrow during the Hogsmeade trip and figure all this out. Now, off to bed you three, before curfew." He tells us. We nod and head out of the office.

"Meet us in the same classroom tomorrow morning after breakfast and we can meet up with Professor Snape. Got it?" Riddle asks me. I nod and rush off to the Gryffindor common room, not noticing Ron sitting on the couch.

"Hey Nev! Where have you been?" He asks me as I start making my way up to the dorm.

"Professor Spout wanted to see me about Herbology." I lie to him. He nods and I make my way into the dorm, collapsing onto my bed. I fall asleep quickly without changing into pajamas.


(Hadrian's POV)

Draco wakes me up so we can make it to breakfast. We quickly change and head down to the Great Hall, hand in hand. We sit at our normal places and start eating.

"Do you think we should tell Aunt Bella that we're going to Gringotts with her son so she can be there?" I ask my mate. He thinks about it for a minute before nodding.

The Real Story of Harry Potter (Drarry/Creature Inheritance Harry/Dark Harry)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon