A Raid

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Hey peeps! Hope you liked the last chapter! This will be a few days before Christmas Eve. Depending on how long that part is, I might skip to Christmas Eve or I will save it for the next chapter. On with this chapter!
~~Hadrian's POV~~
I wake up on December 20th at 5:30 in the morning. I walk into the bathroom to take a quick shower before Draco wakes up. As soon as I walk out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist, Draco wakes up. He stares at my chest for a moment before I snaps him out of it.

"Like what you see?" I ask, repeating the same question Draco asked me last week. He turns his head to avoid looking at me and to avoid me seeing his blush. I chuckle before turning around and getting dressed. After we finish, the two of us head downstairs to breakfast. All the adults are already in the dining hall when we enter.

"Good morning." I say as I sit down next to Father. The adults smile at my manners.

"Good morning boys. How did you both sleep?" Auntie Bella asks us. Over the last few weeks, she has been helping me control my powers even more than I already have.

"Good, but laying next to him all night," I say as I point to Draco, "of course it would be good." He looks over at me with wide eyes and a small blush starts appearing as he looks to his parents, who are trying to hide their laughter. As soon as I see this, I start chuckling. Father rolls his eyes and continues to eat.

"Son, your masks are finished and just in time too. We are doing a raid tonight, at Number 4 Privet Drive." Father tells me. My eyes widen as a smile finds it's way onto my face.

"Really? That's tonight? Yes!" I exclaim. Draco looks over at me, questions in his eyes. I look around the table, only Uncle Luke and Auntie Bella have the same questioning look. I sigh before looking at Father for permission to tell them our plans. He nods and I look back to the rest of the table.

"Tonight we are going to the Muggles I used to live with in order to make Dumbledore think that Harry Potter is dead. We will also be killing the Muggles because they were his 'safe house'. Our dear old Headmaster would suspect something if Harry died but the Muggles are still alive." I explain. Draco stops chewing to look over at me with wide eyes. He quickly swallows in order to speak.

"And you are going with?" He asks me, worry evident in his voice. I nod in his direction, my focus on my food.

"I'm not letting you Hades! It's too dangerous! My Lord, you are letting him do this?" He asks Father. I look up in time to see Father nod to Draco.

"Yes I am Draco, he made his own decision. This is one of his Christmas presents from me." Father says, smiling at me. I smile back before going back to my breakfast. We all finish eating fairly quickly.

"Hadrian, would you like to see how your masks turned out?" Father asks me. I nod and follow him out of the dining hall to his office. He whispers a password and lets me in. He strides over to his desk and pulls out a mask from his drawer. He hands it to me for inspection.

The mask is silver with the same designs I sketched last week. The eye holes are black but you can not see into the person's eyes, in case the opponent knows them from anywhere.

"This looks awesome Father! Thank you!" I exclaim. I run up to him and hug around his torso. He strokes my hair a little bit.

"You're welcome son. I'm glad you like them. We will be leaving just as the sun sets so you have some time to relax and get ready for this. Go spend more time with Draco, I know he will be worried sick about you tonight." Father replies. I nod and hand him the mask and walk out of the office, heading outside to find Draco.

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