Who's The Mate?

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Hey peeps! Hope you liked the last chapter and by some of the comments, I can tell you did! This will be at the end of September, about the last week leading up to Hadrian learning who his mate is. I might have some Parseltounge in this and that will look like this, on with the chapter!
(Hadrian's POV)
Last weekend of September means a Hogsmead trip. I'm not allowed to go as before I headed to Draco's house, I didn't get my permission slip signed from the Dursley's. I know that I should've gotten a new one as Hadrian but as I turned 13 on the last day that we can return our responses, I didn't get anything as Hadrian. I just can't wait for Wensday! I'm going to find out who my mates are, or if I only have one. The first few days after Drake and I kissed were awkward to say the least. Everyone could tell but neither of us wanted to say why. After a week, the two of us got back to our normal selves. Well, as normal as we can get. I hear someone knocking on my door.
"Hades? Are you awake?" Drake asks through the door. I sit up and stretch before getting out of bed. I walk over to the door and open it, revealing Drake in his normal 'go outside' robes. They're dark green with a white shirt underneath and black slacks.
"Yeah, I've been up for a while, just didn't want to get out of bed." I tell him, waving my hand, causing my room to tidy up and my pajamas to change into my robes. Drake sees this and quickly looks around to see if anyone saw.
"Relax Drake, I checked before I did anything. Come on, let's go down to breakfast before you head Hogsmead." I say, grabbing his hand and leading him to the Great Hall. Before we enter, I drop his hand and feel my face heat up in embarrassment.
Why did I do that? I'm such an idiot! I think. I start walking into the Great Hall before I feel a hand wrap around my wrist, pulls me back out into the hall, and pulls me into a broom closet. As my eyes adjust to the darkness, Drake starts talking.
"I'm sorry Hades! I can't stand this anymore!" He exclaims.
"Can't stan-" I start but he cuts me off by placing his silky lips to mine. My eyes widen and I tense for a moment but soon start kissing him back.
Stop you idiot! He may not be one of your mates! This is wrong! My brain yells at me. I quickly pull back, panting.
"I can't do this Draco! I don't know if you're one of my mates yet! I mean, I hope you are but I can't be certain until Wednesday! I'm sorry Drake!" I exclaim before running out of the broom closet. I run past the Great Hall and outside, towards the Forbidden Forest. I run through the trees before I come to a clearing. I sit down on the ground, leaning against a tree and start crying.
"Why am I such an idiot?" I scream out to no one. I hear russling behind me and quickly stand up.
"You're not an idiot young one. You're just confused." A voice says, echoing through the forest.
"Who are you?" I ask nervously, my voice trembling slightly. A figure comes out of the shadows, his face covered by the hood.
"You'll find out soon young one. Just head back up to the young Malfoy and you will find more out this upcoming Christmas." The mystery person tells me before walking back into the shadows and disappearing. I rub my face as I start walking back to the school. I get back just as everyone is about to go to Hogsmead. I look for Draco's blonde hair and see it towards the back of the giant group. I walk around the outside of the group and stand behind him, wanting to scare him before he leaves. I place my hands on his shoulders, making him jump and turn around.
"Hades! Where did you go? I was so worried when you didn't show up at breakfast! I can't believe that you can't come! I'll bring you something back! I promise!" He exclaims as I try to stop him from talking.
"Drake!" I almost yell. He stops talking and looks at me.
"I needed some air, I'm sorry I didn't come back. I'll just get some food from the kitchens. Also, don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I might go to the library or help some kids with their homework." I tell him. He nods and smiles at me. I smile back before turning and walking inside the castle. I look back once more as everyone starts walking towards the town. I walk away from the doors and towards the kitchens. Once I arrive at the painting, I tickle the pear causing the painting to open up. As soon as I enter, about 12 different house-elves come running up to me.
"What can we do for you, sir?" They all ask in unison.
"Get me a plate of red meat and a goblet of blood. Send it to my room." I order them before turning and walking out. I walk back towards the Slytherin common room. Most of the students in the common room are first years and only a few look up as I enter. I quickly walk to my room and find the food on the table between the sofas and the fireplace. I sit down on one of the sofas and start cutting my meat, quickly devouring the food. I wave my hand and my homework replaces the plate and goblet on the table. I continue this until I hear a knock on my door.
"Who is it?" I call out as I read my potions book.
"Hades, I'm back. Can you let me in please?" Drake calls through the door. I wave my hand and the door opens. He walks in and sits next to me as the door closes.
"Have you been working on homework all day?" He asks me. I nod without looking up.
"Yeah, I'm almost done with the Potions essay we need to be finished with by Thursday, I've finished all of the other essays except the Transfiguration one." I tell him as I continue writing.
"Wow. How did you do this today only?" He asks me.
"Because I had nothing else to do today. Did you have fun in Hogsmead?" I ask him. He nods and starts telling me about his day. He continues talking until dinner time. I wave my hand and my homework disappears. Both of us stand up and head to the Great Hall. I sit in my spot towards the doors with Draco right next to me. I snap my fingers and my meat and blood are disguised as steak and pumpkin juice. I start cutting the meat as people are walking in. Blaise and Pansy sit across from Draco and I while Crabbe and Goyle sit on either side of us, kind of like bodyguards. I can sense someone staring at me and I look around, my eyes landing on a 6th year Hufflepuff boy who's just staring at me. I sneer at him and he quickly looks away, pink flooding to his cheeks. I roll my eyes and get back to my food. I notice that Draco has stopped eating so I look over at him, only to see him glaring at the Hufflepuff.
"Drake, what are you doing?" I ask him as I'm cutting my meat. He stops glaring at the guy and looks at me.
"He was staring at you, I was just making sure he didn't anymore." He says with a blush. I chuckle and bump my shoulder into his.
"Overprotective much?" I ask him. He blushes even harder. I roll my eyes and take a drink. After I set my goblet down, I stand up and walk out to the lake. I hear someone running after me.
"Riddle! Wait up!" I hear a voice call for me. I stop and turn back to see the Hufflepuff running towards me.
"Who are you and what do you want?" I ask him as he approaches me.
"My n-name is C-Cedric Diggory and I w-wanted to know if y-you would go on a d-date with m-me." He stutters. I laugh.
"No. Sorry Diggory, but I'm not interested. I'm waiting for someone special to come into my life. That isn't you, don't even think about it. If we are done here, you can leave." I tell him, my voice monotonous. He gulps and quickly walks off and I continue my walk to the lake. I hear someone running towards me again. I continue walking. If they want to talk to me, they can catch up to me. I stop at a tree and sit down. I look over at who was running towards me and see Drake trying to finish running to the tree.
"Hades" pant "how are you" pant "so fast" pant "when you're walking?" He asks me through his panting.
"I don't know, I just have always been fast. Why were you coming out here anyways?" I ask him.
"Making sure no one bothers you, other than me of course." He tells me. I roll my eyes at him and lean against the tree. We sit there for an hour or two, enjoying nature. I notice the sun setting and stand up.
"We should head inside before we get in trouble." I say as I help him up. He nods and we walk back to the castle. As soon as we enter through the doors, Professor McGonagall approaches us.
"Boys, Professor Snape would like to see the both of you in his office." She tells us. I nod and start walking away. Drake quickly catches up and the two of us walk in comfortable silence. I knock on Uncle Sev's door and he opens it.
"Ah boys, glad you could finally come." He drawls.
"Sorry Uncle Sev, we were enjoying nature by the lake." Drake explains. Uncle Sev just nods.
"We need to talk about Wensday. Hadrian, you will be excused from all classes that day, all the teachers understand why. You're mate, or mates, will also be excused as you may need to sort out some differences. Draco, you will get Hadrian's work from his classes, unless of course, you are one of his mates. If you are, I will have Mr. Zabini get your work for both of you. Is this understood?" He asks us. We both nod.
"Good, now go to the common room." He tells us. We both quickly leave the office and enter the common room. I yawn and bid everyone goodnight. As soon as my door closes, my robes change into my silk pajamas. I climb into bed and quickly fall asleep.
~~Time Skip to Wensday morning~~
I wake up and cast a quick tempus charm to see the time. It says that it's almost 5:30 in the morning. I groan but sit up anyways, as I'm too excited to go to sleep.
I'm going to find out who my mates are today! I think to myself. I get out of bed, my pajamas changing to my robes and walk over to my bookshelf, grabbing one of the larger books. The title reads, "The Dark Arts: Are They Truly Dark?" so I bring it to one of the sofas and open it. An hour later, I hear someone knocking on the door. I place a bookmark on the page I got interrupted on and head to the door. As soon as I open the door, an intoxicating smell fills my nose and proceeds to flood my system, making it hard to use any of my senses. I grab the person giving off the smell and pull them close to me.
"Mate." I growl. I hear someone talking but can't hear the words. A few moments later, I start to get control of my senses again. I look over at my mate only to realize that it's none other than Draco Malfoy. He's looking at me with concern.
"Hades? Are you ok now?" He asks me. I nod.
"Yeah, I'm good. Your scent just engulfed my senses and I couldn't do anything about it." I explain to him.
"Did you know that your wings and fangs are out?" He asks me. I chuckle as I look back at my wings.
"I did not. Sorry about that." I apologize to him as I retract them. He shakes his head.
"It's ok, I sent Zabini to get Uncle Sev a couple minutes ago." He says right before Uncle Sev walks into the room.
"Thank you Mr. Zabini. I do request one more thing of you. As these two will be excused from classes, you are to get their homework." Uncle Sev tells the dark skinned boy.
"Yes sir." Zabini says before leaving.
"To be honest, I did not expect any less. You two have always been joined at the hip. I have actually always wondered why you two were not dating your first and second years. I am requiring you to come to the Great Hall for breakfast as you may have another mate." Uncle Sev tells us. We both nod and follow him out of the common room. As we approach the Great Hall, Uncle Sev goes off into the teacher's corridor. I look at Drake and grab his hand. He looks over at me, surprise in his eyes, and smiles. I blush but smile back. We walk into the Great Hall and I feel all eyes on us.
"Is that Hadrian Riddle? Holding Draco Malfoy's hand?" I hear people murmur around the Hall. I glare at every house except Slytherin. As we approach our seats, no one in Slytherin is mumbling. Drake and I sit down and start eating.
"Do you smell anyone else?" He asks me. I shake my head.
"No, no one. Only you. I think that you're my only mate." I say with a smile. He smiles right back. I finish my food and stand, walking out of the Hall. I hear whispers behind me throughout the Hall but choose to ignore them. I've gotten used to the whispers, I used to be the famous Harry Potter. I start walking outside towards the lake and smell Draco running after me. I stop and he wraps his arms around my waist from behind.
"Hi love." He whispers in my ear as he sets his head on my left shoulder.
"Hi Dray." I mumble as we continue to walk like this to our tree.
"Dray? What happened to Drake?" He asks me as we stop walking. I turn around in his arms.
"Well, Drake was a name for a friend, I thought you needed a new nickname as we aren't just friends anymore." I explain to him. I sit down, leaning against the tree and pull him down, causing him to land on my lap. I smirk and look up into his eyes.
"That's better." I murmur as we both start to lean in. I grab his neck and pull his face down to mine. As soon as our lips meet, he grabs my neck with one hand, pulling me even closer, and grabs my hair with the other one, tugging on it a little bit. I moan and bite his bottom lip. He opens his mouth and I take the opportunity to get my tounge in. We battle for dominance with me winning. I explore his mouth and afterwards we just sit here, our mouths moving in sync. We break away, out of breath and place our foreheads together.
"That was amazing!" I exclaim after I get my breath back. He smiles at me and stands up, holding his hand out. I grab his hand and he pulls me up into his arms. I smile and grab his hand, pulling him towards the castle. He rolls his eyes but lets me drag him. As soon as we arrive, Uncle Sev stops us.
"Boys, follow me." He tells the two of us. We glance at each other before following the Professor. As we follow him, I notice a few students in the halls for their off hour. They all stare at us, kinda like we're exhibits in a zoo. I glare at them all, having the perks of the school's Slytherin Ice Prince, and they all look away in fear. Uncle Sev leads Dray and I to a portrait of Salazar Slytherin. He turns around to look at us.
"This is your new dorm boys. It has it's own kitchen and everything you need for when you're not in classes. You can set the password in a fortnight. For now, it will be Diligamus Invicem. Always remember your password." Uncle Sev tells us. We nod.
"Why do we have a new dorm?" I ask him.
"Well, I talked with the teachers who matter, and we all agreed that it would be best if you two were in a separate dorm. You will still go to your classes and get books from the library but you will not have to go to the Great Hall for meals. You can either cook or call a house-elf to get you what is served in the Great Hall. Do you both understand?" He asks us. We both nod. Uncle Sev turns around again and tells the portrait the password. The picture opens up to a large living room in Slytherin green and silver. Dray and I look around in awe at how big the room is. It's big enough to put the Dursley's living room in here three times.
"Thank you Uncle Sev." I say. He nods and leaves us alone in our new dorm.
"I'm getting kinda hungry. Do you want me to call a house-elf or one of us to cook?" Dray asks me.
"Well, I know how to cook. What do you want, like fish or chicken or what?" I ask him in return. He thinks for a moment.
"Do you know how to make Lancashire hotpot?" He questions. I nod and walk towards the kitchen.
"Just wondering, why this dish?" I ask him as I start to get all my ingredients and supplies ready.
"Mum made the house-elves make this whenever something good happened." He explains to me as he sits at the counter behind me and watches.
"Ok, that makes sense. I learned how to make it when I still lived with the Dursley's. They made me do all the cooking in the house since I was about 5. They are also the reason that I'm good at many things. For example, running." I explain to him, stopping before I start crying at the memories. I swallow the lump in my throat as I cut the carrots. I hear him come up behind me and feel his arms wrap around my waist. I continue cutting.
"Will you tell me more please?" He asks in my ear. I shake my head as tears start to form. I set the knive down before I cut my finger off.
"I can't right now. It brings back way to many painful memories." I tell him through my cries. He hugs me and walks me over to the couch in the living room. I cry into his shoulder, never wanting to relive those memories.
"Hades, please just tell me. I'll be right here for you to cry on, I just want to make sure my mate is safe." He tells me as he rubs my back. I calm down just a little bit, leaning back against the couch.
"When I was younger, Dudley, my cousin, and his gang always would chase me. At first I wasn't very fast because I was underfed and small. When they caught up with me, they would beat me up where no one would see. After a few years, I got faster and learned how to get away. I never had any friends because they would tell lies about me, how I was a freak who didn't deserve anyone. My uncle told Dudley that he could beat me up. My uncle sometimes joined in. My aunt never did anything to stop them." I told him, slowly starting to sob at the end. He hugs me and rubs my back, kissing my head at the same time.
"You don't have to worry about them anymore. You never have to go back." He continuously whispers in my ear. My sobs slow down to a small hiccup. Once I finish crying, I look over at Dray and hug him fiercely.
"Thank you Dray. I haven't told anyone this. Actually talking about it makes me feel a lot better. I'm going to finish lunch." I say getting up. He grabs my wrist and pulls me down onto the couch.
"No. You will not. I'll call a house-elf to make us pizza." He tells me. My eyes widen. I didn't know he knew what pizza was.
"Really?" I ask him, surprise in voice. He nods with a small smile.
"I love you!" I exclaim. His smile grows and grabs my face, giving me a fierce kiss. We break apart, breathless.
"I love you too!" He mumbles against my lips. I smile and lean my forehead against his. The rest of the day we hang out just cuddling, occasionally making out. Around dinner, I get up and stretch.
"Dray, we should go to the Great Hall to get our homework from Zabini." I say. He nods and grabs my hand as we leave our dorm. We enter the Great Hall and the whispers start again. I roll my eyes and head to our group.
"Hey guys!" Dray exclaims as we sit.
"Where were you guys today?" Pansy asks in her high pitched voice. I cringe at the sound.
"In our new dorm. Did you get our homework Zabini?" Dray asks him. He nods and hands it across the table. I look through it and nod.
This will be easy. I think to myself.
"Why do you have a new dorm?" Pansy asks us. I sigh.
"Not so loud, Parkinson!" I hiss at her. I've never really liked her. She scoffs.
"We can't explain here, come back with us after dinner and we'll explain." Dray says. I groan.
"Do we have to go back to our dorm Dray? I don't want everyone knowing, or anyone knowing where it is!" I whine. I see Parkinson glare at me as I say 'Dray'. I chuckle inwardly.
She honestly thought that she had a chance with him! That's hilarious! I think to myself.
"Zabini, is it alright if we explain in your dorm room?" Dray asks him. Zabini nods. I smile.
"Thanks Zabini! Thanks baby!" I say before kissing Dray's cheek. He blushes and looks at his food. Parkinson glares at me even harder. I innocently smile at her. She huffs and gets back to her food. I start grabbing some dessert as I was eating the entire time we were all talking. I grab some treacle tart and pile it on my plate. Dray looks at it and then at me.
"Babe, remember, it won't taste right." He tells me.
"Dray, don't worry, I know what I'm doing." I assure him with a wink. He chuckles and shakes his head. We all continue to eat in silence before I finish and have to wait for everyone else.
"Draaaaayyyy, can we explain it tomorrow? I'm tired." I whine to my mate. He chuckles and look to the others.
"You guys don't mind right?" He asks them. They shake their heads.
"Not at all, go ahead. I have to check something in the library anyway. Goodnight lovebirds." Zabini tells us. We bid them goodnight and head up to the dorm. As soon as we walk through the picture, I turn to Dray.
"Will you carry me to bed?" I ask him with my best pouty face. He sighs but picks me up bridal style and carries me up the stairs to our room. As we enter the room, I change our robes to pajamas. He sets me down on the bed before climbing in with me.
"Goodnight love." He whispers before falling asleep.
"Goodnight Dray." I whisper back before falling into a deep sleep.
Hope you liked this chapter! Sorry it took so long! I had a little bit of writers block but I got it done. Sorry if it's horrible! I think the next one will start with them explaining everything to Blaise and Pansy the skip to either Halloween or right before they leave for Yule/Christmas break. Anyways, got to go! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! 4166

The Real Story of Harry Potter (Drarry/Creature Inheritance Harry/Dark Harry)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum