First Day at Magic School

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Hey peeps! Hope you liked the last chapter! I'm time skipping to when they wake up on September 1st. There will be direct quotes from the first book and those will be like this. I own nothing, just like I've said before. Now, on with the chapter!
(Draco's POV)
I wake up, slowly remembering what day it is. I race over to Harry's room and open the door without even knocking. It wouldn't have done any good as he's still sleeping. I jump on his bed and continue to bounce.
"Harry! Wake up! We're going to Hogwarts! Wake up!" I yell at him. He swats at me, groaning.
"Draco, go away!" He mumbles into his pillow. I've definitely learned over the past month that he is not a morning person.
"No, Harry! It's the first of September! We need to get ready for the train!" I exclaim as I continue to bounce on his bed. His eyes pop open and he jumps out of bed, knocking me to the ground.
"Hey!" I exclaim. He looks over at me and sheepishly smiles.
"Oops! Sorry Drake!" He says as he helps me off the ground. As he's pulling me up, I yank harder and pull him down on top of me.
"Woah!" He exclaims as he falls. I start laughing which in turn makes Harry start laughing. I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in!" I yell through laughter. Mother comes in and raises an eyebrow at us. I smile at her as I try to control my giggles. She shakes her head.
"Come on boys, get ready. We have to leave in a few minutes so we don't miss the train." She tells us.
"Yes Mother." I reply for both me and Harry. We've gotten really close in the one month.
"I packed last night and just want your mum to shrink Corusel's cage so he can fly and I don't attract as much attention from the muggle that I would if I had him in his cage." He tells me. I nod in understanding.
"I packed last night as well. I'm just going to use the Malfoy family owl. I'll let you get dressed." I say as I walk towards the door.
"I'll be down in a minute." He says.
"Ok, see you down there." I reply. I walk out and close the door behind me. I head to my room to grab my trunk. I haul it downstairs, setting it down by the front door and head to the dining room to get me and Harry something to eat. I'm pretty sure that we're going to be getting to King's Cross Station by using side-apparition. Its the quickest way to travel to the train station. I hear Mother and Father talking in the dining room and stop right outside the door.
"I swear Lucius, they love each other but don't know it. They're best friends but I'm thinking that they could become more." Mother says.
"I don't think they are honey. Like you said, they're best friends." Father replies. I look behind me and see Harry standing there, listening to the same conversation. He has a deep red tint on his cheeks. I feel my cheeks heat up and look down at my feet. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look back at him.
"Hey, don't think about it. Just like they both said, we're best friends, nothing can tear us apart." He whispers to me. I smile slightly which he returns.
"Let's head back to the front door and call out for my parents." I whisper. He nods in agreement and we head back to where I left my trunk.
"Mother! Father! Are you ready?" I yell.
"We're coming Draco!" Mother yells back. They hurry through the house to Harry and I.
"Harry, have you ever done side-apparition?" Father asks him. He shakes his head.
"I'll do it with you Harry and Draco can go with his Father." Mother says. Harry nods.
"Ok. What do I do?" He asks.
"Just hold on to my arm." She replies. He nods, grabs his trunk and grabs Mother's arm. I quickly grab my trunk and grab Father's arm. As soon as I do, it feels like I'm getting pulled through a bunch of tubes. We land in one of the abandoned bathrooms at the train station, the muggle side.
"That's always horrible!" I exclaim. Father checks outside and walks out of the bathroom. I quickly follow him and meet up with Harry and Mother. we quickly rush to where Platform 9 3/4 would be. Father runs through the wall and Mother tells Harry and I to go before her. I run to the wall and right through it. I move out of the way so that Harry and Mother can come through. Harry comes first and stands next to me. A minute later, Mother runs through. She looks at the time and sees that we have 5 minutes until the train leaves.
"Be good boys! Stay ahead of your classes and don't make anyone mad, Draco!" She scolds me.
"Yes Mother." I say looking down. She gives me a hug and kisses my cheek. After she releases me, Father walks over.
"Please be good Draco. The last thing we need right now is for you to get expelled. Have fun though. Stick with Harry and you'll be ok." He tells me. I nod. He holds out his hand and I shake it. We never hug in public as he still needs to keep up his reputation. Harry and Father exchange a few words and then Harry and I are on the train, trying to find a compartment. After a while of searching, I stop Harry.
"Let's go to my other friends! They're really cool, well, most of them are anyways." I tell him. He nods and starts to follow me. I know where they are because they owled me and told me where they we're going to be. After a little bit of walking, we finally reach my other friends.
"Hey guys!" I exclaim as I open the door.
"Drakie-poo!" Pansy exclaims and pulls me down next to her.
"Will you stop calling me that Pansy?" I say as I yank my arm out of her grip. She pouts and I turn to Harry, waving him in. He walks in and sits next to me.
"Guys, this is Harry! Harry, this is Blaise Zambini, Pansy Parkinson, Vincent Crabbe, and Greg Goyle. I grew up with these guys." I tell him. He nods but I can tell he's nervous.
"Hi Harry! I'm Blaise! How did you two meet?" He asks.
"I was getting my robes fitted at Madam Malkin's and he walked in and we just became friends. He's spent the last month at my house." I tell them. Blaise nods.
"What's your last name Harry?" Pansy asks.
"Potter." He mumbles. Blaise and Pansy gasp.
"You're the Harry Potter? The Chosen One?" Vincent asks. Harry just looks away.
"Was it something I said?" Vincent asks. I nod.
"He doesn't like those names so refrain from using them." I tell the group. They nod and I look over at Harry. He's still looking at the seat next to him.
"Harry, are you ok?" I ask him while everyone else is talking among themselves. He nods without looking at me. I look back at the group.
"Hey guys, Harry and I will be back. I need to talk to him." I tell them. A chorus of "Ok." followed and I grab Harry's wrist, pulling him out of the compartment and into an empty one a few doors down. I shut the door and pull the shades down for some privacy.
"I can tell that you're not ok. Tell me what's wrong, please?" I ask him. He sighs and looks up at me.
"I don't want to be 'The Chosen One' or 'The Boy-Who-Lived'. I want to be just Harry, not famous for killing some dude. It's annoying and stressful." He says with tears forming in his eyes. I move over next to him and give him a hug.
"Hey! It's ok, everyone will forget about that after a while, once they see how good you are at school stuff." I tell him. He sniffs and continues to cry silently. I start caressing his hair, really glad that I shut the shades. This would probably be hard to explain if one of my friends saw us. After a few minutes, he calms down and stops crying.
"Are you ok now?" I ask wearily. He nods and we head back to the others to get our robes on. I feel the train start to slow down and stop at the Hogsmead train station. Everyone grabs their bags from the compartment and we all trudge off the train. Harry and I stick close together and weave through the mass of students.
"Firs' years! Firs' years over here!" We hear from over the crowd. The two of us follow that voice and come up to a huge guy. He tells us to get into a boat, 4 to a boat. Harry and I get into one along with Vincent and Greg. As soon as everyone is in a boat, they start moving on their own. Soon, we turn the corner and see the castle. It's lit up like the night sky in the countryside. The boats go into a little docking area and everyone gets out. We follow the giant man and he comes up to a door and knocks twice. A stern looking woman with her black hair pulled back into a bun and her beady eyes scanning over every single one of us from behind her square glasses greets us.
"The firs' years, Professor McGonagall," the giant said.
"Thank you Hagrid. I will take them from here." She tells him. He nods and heads inside the castle. She turns to looks at us.
"Follow me." She commands with her gentle voice. She turns and walks up the stairs. Once at the top, she stops and looks at us again.
"Welcome to Hogwarts," she said.
"The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend your free time in your house common room. The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has it's own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honour. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours. The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarted yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting." Her eyes linger for a moment on a boy's clock that is fastened under his left ear, and on Weasly's dirt covered nose. I see Harry try to flatten down his hair.
"I will return when we are ready for you." The professor says.
"Please wait quietly." She walks off. I hear someone laughing off to my left. A boy walks up.
"Well, well, well. The rumors on the train were true. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." The boys says. He holds his hand out for Harry to shake.
"I'm Finnigan, Seamus Finnigan. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort, I can help you there." He said as he glared at me. Harry looks at Finnigan's hand and back up to his face.
"Weasley already tried that and it didn't work for him, so why would it work for you? Both of you insulted my best friend by saying he's 'the wrong sort' but he was the first nice person I met in the Wizarding world. Now please back away from me." He says as Professor McGonagall walks back to us.
"Move along now." She said to Finnigan. He moves back to where he was.
"The Sorting Ceremony is about to start. Follow me please." She says and walks off. We all hurry to catch up to her. She reaches giant oak doors and pushes them open, revealing the Great Hall.
"The ceiling is charmed to look like the sky outside." Harry says. I look up and, sure enough, the ceiling is as pretty as the sky outside. We stop towards the front of the room. Professor McGonagall stands next to a stool with an old hat on it. I see the hat start moving and all of a sudden, it has a mouth and eyes and it starts to sing.
"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.

The Real Story of Harry Potter (Drarry/Creature Inheritance Harry/Dark Harry)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora