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(Magma POV)

I held my sword up and glared at Megatron as I watched the kids go over to Smokescreen.

"Smoky get them out of here." I said sternly.

"What about you?" He asked softly.

"That is an order!" I snapped.

He nodded his head and transformed. I circled around Megatron and he let out a chuckle.

"Still the same I see. Always waiting for the other person to strike first." Megatron said with a smirk.

"Still using others to do your dirty work I see. I'm still curious how you could ever think you could be a Prime." I said with a smirk.

He screamed and moved to attack. I dodged the hit and punched him into the wall.

"Lucky hit!" He hissed out.

"I never believed in luck." I said as I swung at him.

Soon we got into a heated battle and I smirked as I stabbed the ceiling and turned to run out of the cave. I rushed out to see Smokescreen on his com. I heard a scream and quickly turned to block Megatron's attack.

"Tell me did it hurt when you were forced to abandon your family?" Megatron asked as he punched me.

I hit the ground and let out a gasp as he walked up to me.

"I'm surprised you are even alive..... I mean after losing everything that you lost.... your parents.... your husband." He said with a chuckle as he walked up to me.

I tried to crawl away but he kicked me into a wall.

"Even your child..... just so you know.... killing your child was my greatest accomplishment." He said with a smirk.

I looked up at him angry and watched as he let out a laugh. I screamed as I charged at him and knocked him down. I started to punch him over and over again until he was leaking energon.

"You took everything from me!" I screamed as I kept punching him.

I heard a sound and ignored it as I kept punching Megatron. I kept hitting him until I felt a hand stop me and turned to see Starscream. I was thrown off of Megatron and when I looked up I saw Starscream aiming his gun. The last thing I saw was him pull the trigger and then everything went dark.

"Is she awake?" A voice asked.

My optics onlined and I let out a groan as I set up.

"Good to have you back." Another voice said.

I looked over to see Ratchet smiling at me and Miko and Jack beside him.

"Where is Raf and Smokescreen?" I asked as I looked around.

"They are fine. Raf had to go home and Smokescreen is with Optimus and the others." Ratchet explained as he pushed me back down.


"Got away I'm afraid, but he was in pretty bad shape." Ratchet said softly.

"You did a number on him." Jack said softly.

"Yea it was awesome!" Miko exclaimed.

"Wait.... if Ratchet is here? And Smokescreen is talking to Optimus.... oh no." I groaned as I laid back down.

"I'm sorry.... Smokescreen had Ratchet make a bridge and when he pushed us all in you got shot.... he wasn't going to tell Optimus and the others, but you were injured." Jack said softly.

"It's fine.... I had to tell them sometime anyways.... how mad is he?" I asked Ratchet.

"Which one?" He asked with a frown.

I let out a groan as I shook my head and went to sit up.

"Oh no you don't! You are staying here until I clear you. You can wait to see the others until then. Jack you and Miko leave us." Ratchet ordered.

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