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(A joor ,week, earlier)

Jack let out a sigh as he set beside Miko and listened to Raf talk to Magma.

"So you use to be a soldier? Wow what was it like?" Raf asked softly.

"It was awarding.... I enjoyed helping my people and I loved the rush I got from fighting." Magma said softly.

"How old were you when you first started to fight?" Jack asked softly.

"Well.... I've always fought since I can remember. My parents wanted me to be a strong warrior and to never need anyone to protect me." Magma said softly.

"Who were your parents?" Miko asked calmly.

"No one important." She said softly.

"Oh come on! Give us names!"

"Are you guys hungry?" Magma asked with a smile.

"Starving." Raf said with a smile.

"Let's go get you guys food." Magma said as she transformed.

She drove them to the restaurant and smiled as they went in and ordered before coming out with food.

"We have to go to the base. Care to drop us off?" Miko asked softly.

"I can drop you off outside of the base, but after that I have to leave." Magma said softly.

"I can live with that." Miko said as she took a sip of her shake.

Magma drove towards their base and dropped them off before leaving to go back home.

"Thanks again." Jack said softly.

"It was nothing." She said as she sped away.

Jack let out a sigh and turned to walk with the others to the base.

"Did she have to park so far away?" Miko asked calmly.

"Well if she was any closer they would spot her." Raf explained.

"I still don't understand why she doesn't want them knowing she is alive. You would think she would want to be with Ultra Magnus." Jack said calmly.

"Maybe she was in a forced relationship or she is secretly trying to kill us!" Miko exclaimed.

Jack and Raf sent her a look and she frowned as she crossed her arms.

"Yea Yea. So how much longer we gonna be walking?" She asked annoyed.

"Of you shut up it would go by faster." Jack said annoyed.

"Look what we found." A voice said.

Jack and the others turned to see Knockout and Starscream.

"The Autobots pets. Lord Megatron will be so pleased." Starscream said happily.

"Run!" Miko yelled.

They took off and Starscream let out a yell as he chased them. Soon Knockout and Starscream has them in cages and took them to their ship.

"Let us out! You bucket heads!" Miko screamed.

"We will.... after you tell us where to find Magma Magnus." Starscream said with a smirk.

"Who?" Jack asked calmly.

"Don't play games with us! We know you were with her! Now tell us we're to find her and you are free!" He ordered.

"Never in a million years!" Miko yelled.

"Fine then.... I'll just let Knockout have fun with you." Starscream said as he walked away.

"Starscream!" A voice yelled.

They all turned to see him flinch up and Megatron walk into the room.

"Why didn't you capture Magma!" Megatron yelled.

"She had already gotten away. My lord." He said as he flinched away.

"Knockout! Take the humans to the mines. I will be there shortly. If we can not find her we will make her come to us." Megatron said as he walked out of the room.

Jack and the others were taken to the mines and thrown into new cages and left to wait for rescue.

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