The nightmare he had just sprung from, had been one much like that. Only this time, Sasuke had slammed him into the ground, pinning him to the broken ground as he caressed the blond's left cheek, leaning in, and giving his speech of needing nothing but revenge, for he was an avenger. Then he kissed Naruto deeply, pressing his whole body to the blond's, crushing him into the broken rocks before his hand had slid around Naruto's throat, and while he continued to kiss him, Sasuke choked the life from him, taking his last breath. Just as Naruto died, he had jerked awake, much to his relief.

Naruto couldn't understand his dreams, he didn't understand the sexuality of it, the intensity of it. It made no sense to him. Then again, Naruto had been obsessed with becoming the greatest shinobi the village had ever seen. So things like romance, sex, intimacy, relationships, and the like, never crossed his mind. Well, it did on occasion, mainly when he saw Sakura, or the pink haired female was nice to him. But it would quickly vanish when he would remember how desperately she loved Sasuke. Which then brought the question to the forefront of his mind, was he trying to live out Sakura's dreams through his own twisted nightmares? Or was he so desperate for the lost connection with Sasuke, that it was beginning to mutate and twist into something..else?

Groaning, the arm over his eyes shifted so that his hand could grip into his hair tightly. He clenched his eyes closed as he growled quietly, baring his teeth as he rolled over, and then proceeded to scream into his pillow, his free hand punching his mattress. He was thankful today was a day off for him. He wasn't sure he could focus on a mission or anything intense today.

He felt his bottom lip quiver and he growled in annoyance, biting into his lip firmly. Pushing himself up onto his hands and knees, he paused, staring at his pillow, his sheet slowly slipping from his body. He could see the damp print of his body on his bed. Had the nightmare been that bad for him? Well, considering his clothes were stuck to him like glue, he figured that question was answered easily enough.

Sighing, he got up from his bed, a warm breeze flowing through his open window and providing him with some relief from the sweat caked on him. With another, softer, sigh he grabbed a towel from his dresser and headed to his shower. He dropped the towel off before turning and going over to the toilet room. Opening the door he entered the small space and quickly relieved his bladder. Flushing the toilet, he numbly turned around  and shuffled back into the shower room. Stripping down, he kicked the wet pile of clothing out of the shower room, it hit his kitchen cabinets with a wet smack and then a blob-like thump as it landed on the floor. Ew..

Naruto shivered as the air was cooler than his skin and sweat, making him quickly hurry under the warm spray of his showerhead. Closing his eyes he just stood under the spray, letting the warmth relax him and ease some of his tension away. The tension and panic from his dream ebbed away from him, the waterfall of warmth from his shower washing it down the drain. Letting out a long, slow breath, focusing on his breathing he felt himself grounded and centered once again.

His fingers smoothed his messy, somewhat shaggy locks back and that was when he froze. His eyes snapped open and he stumbled back, out of the spray of water. This was all wrong! He looked around frantically, his hands tightening in his hair. How had he missed it earlier in bed?! He'd gripped his hair then as well, maybe the panic of nightmare had clouded his ability to realize... He was in a genjutsu. Swallowing tightly he left his shower room, not caring he was naked. He had to figure this out! Panic spiked in him so fast he lost the strength in his legs and landed against the hardwood floor with a small cry of surprise and horror. How long had he been in this genjutsu!? He fell forward onto his hands, his body shuddering and trembling as he tried to calm down again. He wasn't even 16! He was 31! His hair was nearly a buzzcut! This was all wrong!

The Right Way Around: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now