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It had been a normal day for Jack so far. He had went to school and then was picked up and taken to work. After work he went to the Autobots new base and played games with Raf.

"Oh come on! How do you keep doing that?" Jack asked with a frown.

"Simple I calculate the strength of your hits and how hard I need to hit." He said with a smile.


"No I am using cheat codes." He said with a laugh.

Jack rolled his eyes and Miko laughed as she fell off the couch.

"Bulkhead!" Miko exclaimed as she jumped up and ran over to him.

"Sorry it took us so long." Bulkhead said softly.

"Megatron is getting smarter." Arcee said calmly.

"Or stupider." Wheeljack said with a chuckle.

Ultra Magnus sent him a look and Wheeljack rolled his eyes.

"Where is Optimus?" Jack asked softly.

"With Smokescreen. Probably yelling at him." Arcee said with a frown.

"What he do this time?" Raf asked softly.

"Nearly got us killed." Ultra Magnus said annoyed.

Jack's phone went off and he let out a sigh as he pulled it out.

"It's my mom." Jack said with a sigh.

He walked away and answered it with a frown.

"Hey mom." He said softly.

"Jack I want you to come home. I need your help." June said softly.

"Alright I'm on my way." Jack said with a frown.

He hung up and motioned for Arcee to transform. Soon they made there way home and he let out a sigh as he walked into his house and saw his mom cleaning.

"Need help cleaning?" He asked softly.

"Yes. This house is a mess." She said with a frown.

"Alright." He said shaking his head.

Soon they started and Jack walked out with a bag of trash.

"I have to go. Optimus needs my help. I'll be back as soon as I can be." Arcee said calmly.

"Don't leave me here alone to long." Jack said with a sigh.

She drove off and he let out another sigh as he went back into the house and grabbed two more bags. When he next came out he saw a white and blue car. He looked at it for awhile before he saw a red car coming towards it.

"Knockout? What is he doing here?" Jack asked as he hid.

The car that was across the road quickly drove into his garage.

"Wow! Hey! Watch out!" Jack snapped.

"Close the garage door now." The car ordered.

"You're a transformer." He whispered as he rushed and shut the garage door.

"Thank you. I've been running from Knockout for hours." The car beeped again.

"Names Jack." He said softly.

"MagmaMagnus . Magma for short." She said as she transformed.

She crouched down so she could fit in the garage and he sent her a smile.

"You're a Autobot!" He said as he saw the mark on her arm.

"Smart kid. So Jack.... how do you know so much about my people?" She asked with a frown.

"I work with a group of Autobots. Their leader is Optimus Prime." He explained.

"Optimus is alive?" She asked shocked.

"Yes, He has a team not to far away from here. I can take you to them."

"Is Arcee alive?"

"Yea She should be back soon. I'll ca-"

"No! I mean..... don't.... she doesn't need to know I'm here.... look I'm not a team player and I don't want anyone knowing I'm here.... so can we keep this between us?" She asked softly.

"Alright.... but they will learn about you.... it might not be from me, but they will learn about you." He said softly.

"I know... but for now.... I want to be a secret. Knockout should be gone.... thank you for your help." She said as she transformed.

"Do you have a way for me to call you in the event we need your help?" He asked softly.

"Com in my seat." She said opening her door.

He reached in and picked it up.

"Thank you."

"No problem. Mind letting me out?" She asked calmly.

"Oh yea!" He exclaimed as he rushed to open the garage door.

Magma drove off and let out a sigh as she watched him from the rear view mirror. She drove for awhile before she pulled into a cave and transformed.

"So he is alive.... Scrap... he just had to be alive and on the planet I land on!" Magma yelled as she kicked a rock.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" She yelped as she held her foot and jumped up and down.

After the pain disappeared she let out a sigh and set on the ground. She leaned back on a rock and closed her optics.

"Guess this is my new home." She said before she offlined.

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