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In Rose's room, the mirror is completely shattered, there are sharp glass shards lying around the hardwood floor. Enormous droplets of blood are splattered onto them. There is no sign of Lord Edward for some reason. He got away, that jackass. I hope he bleeds out for what he did to Rose. Hitting a woman, disgraceful. I hear footsteps and sprint out the room to discover who it is. My mother is standing up the stairs, with the basic worried look she always takes on these days.

I say to her, "You look like you've seen a ghost."
"A dangerous man is running rampage and could be hiding somewhere in this house why on earth wouldn't I be terrified?"

"How is Rose?"

She sighs, "The doctor is checking on her, you cannot continue with this girl."


My eyes flutter open, the light from the window stings my eyes. I hear someone speak quietly, "She needs lots of rest and care."

I recognize the next voice, "Thank you, doctor." Will.

My eyes settle to the bright light, William sits next to me on the bed, he looks tired.

I'm not in it must be another guest room. This one is colourful and girly than the grey one me and Edward were in. The name haunts me. Edward. A wave of fear flushes through me and my stomach grows nauseous at the thought of him. My body is exhausted, I bet my face is hideous and covered with black bruises. I can't believe I involved Will in my life. I put him in danger. As he realizes I've woken, Will looks at me with kindness behind his eyes.


"William." I try my best to smile but the pain prevents me.

"How do you feel?"

"Like someone pushed me off the cliff and I managed to survive." I giggle to lighten the mood.

William's worried expression doesn't budge, "Someone did hurt you, Rose. I know your husband tried to kill you."

He pauses for several moments and stares onto the floor in silence before muttering, "what happened, Rose?"

I am a liar. I don't want to tell him the truth. I don't want to tell him that I've been working Edward this whole time. I'm not a victim. However, I'll tell him one truth, I at least owe him that.

"I confessed to Edward that I love you and I am going to leave with you."

His lips take on a crooked smile, "You love me?"
"You know I do, I don't have to say it."

He places a kiss onto my damaged fingers. He leans over and kisses my mouth. It's obvious to me that he had been desperate to hear me say those words. I hadn't before, I couldn't. Not when everything was just a façade. William knows me, he knows the fact that I am selfish and disastrous because he's known for so long and despite that, he is in love with me.

"Will, I need you to promise me something."


"Never stop loving me. No matter what happens."


I rest awhile, Will hasn't left my side. He's watching over me like I'm an injured bird he is determined to protect. Its already nighttime, the moon shines through the glass window. Will lets me know he's leaving to find Edward.

"I can't let him get away after all that he has done."

"No please Will just let him go, he's dangerous."

I fear for William's safety but I also know that Edward might confess everything to Will.

"My mother will stay with you while I go."
His mother. Of course. He should know that his mother would hand me over to Edward as easy as throwing away the trash. I can't argue with him, at least not while his mother is standing by the door. Frustrated, I let him go.

His mother, Mrs. Herald lurks into the room like a hawk. Without making any eye contact with me she sets light to all the candles in the room.

After several uncomfortable minutes, she blatantly says, "Leave my son, he has no clue what kind of person you are, but I do."

Your tone is hostile but calm. She speaks to me like I am a minor inconvenience. I decide to stay quiet.

"I know throughout your marriage you've been with several other men."

Anger rumbles throughout me.

"I know what you are, and I've heard several rumours about your unsophisticated tendencies."

"Ms. Herald, you are William's mother and you know how much he loves me. I don't think you want to stand in the way of us."

She ignores me. "I used to know your mother Rose, she was dishonest as well, but she was my friend, which is why I am giving you the option to leave Will before I tell him everything."

"Mrs. Herald please..."

She looks at me unfazed, "I kept the letter Will wrote to all those years ago." A servant walks in and hands, what I assume to be the letter, to Will's mother. Ms. Herald points the letter at me, I nod my head accepting the letter.

Opening the letter with shaking hands, I know my feelings for Will won't change, but maybe Ms. Herald is right, maybe Will is better off without me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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