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After Theo was sent down into Hell, Faye moved into his house

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After Theo was sent down into Hell, Faye moved into his house. She wanted to be near him at all times. It was a bad call. Psychologists and friends were always talking about finding closure and not getting too hung up on things, but Faye didn't care. She definitely didn't know he would end up coming back to her, but her sense of closure was always being around his scent, and his house was filled with it.

"This is my house," Theo stated as Faye pulled into the driveway.

She stared at him as she turned off the engine. She nodded. "Mhm."

"Why are we at my house?"

"I live here," Faye said with a slight smile. "I moved here after you were sent to Hell. I didn't want to be away from you," she murmured bashfully as she exited the car.

Theo let the sound of the car door slamming echo through his ears. He stared at the seat she was once in and he quickly exited the car. "Really?"

Faye nodded as she walked to the front door and took out her house keys. "Your scent is everywhere," she murmured. "It relaxes me. At first, it made me incredibly depressed - to realize that you were actually gone. Then, I knew you weren't going to come back, so I accepted it. I slept in your shirts a lot."

Theo smiled slightly. "That's cute. I've always liked it when you wore my clothes. But now, I'm here, Faye, and I'm not going anywhere."

"You promise?" she whispered, holding out her pinky.

Theo stuck out his pinky and wrapped it around hers. "I promise, baby. Now, let's have sex."

Faye's mouth parted slightly. "You're a pig. I thought I would actually get to sleep tonight."

He shrugged. "Not with me around."

ANGEL. ❪ Theo Raeken ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now