Chapter 35: The Lost Princess

Start from the beginning

It took some time for me to get what he said and I pulled away from him, my body felt a bit cold at his words. He used to give his lovers to his cousins so that they...

I felt a wave of fear at that because I remembered the pawing treatment of my previous boyfriends and their harsh insistence that I let them have their way with me when I was clearly uncomfortable and scared.

I feel sick....

"Rina!" his voice made me jump as I stared into his eyes. "Calm down. This is why I slipped the promise ring on your finger; I love my cousin but he can be arrogant and no woman has ever refused him once he gets them into bed. I did that so he would not target you if he knew that I value you a lot."

"This..." I pulled my hand with the ring up to show him. "was to protect me?"

He nodded and after a few minutes of hesitation; he pulled me closer towards his warm body.

" I will not share you with him but I also want you to officially be my woman. Being lovers is not enough anymore for me. I want you in my house, in my bed every single day and someday I want a life with you." he cradled my jaw and leaned to kiss my nose.

"You...Are you saying you want me to..?"

"Yes." his amber eyes gleamed with possessiveness. "I want you to be my fiance and...maybe more once you are ready."

He pulled me into his lap until we are glued together skin to skin. But he did not make a move on me, he just let me feel his warmth and oddly I felt my initial fear subside so quickly.

"I'll give you time to decide. If at any given time, you return both rings to me then that means you still need some time but if you return only my signet ring then you have made your choice to stay with me." he sexily whispered against my ear.

I blushed but nodded as he just held me the rest of the way. By the time we got back to my hotel; I was calmer and feeling a bit foolish at how easily scared I was. It was a reflex thing but I feel guilty that I lumped in Leone with the rest of my old boyfriends. I know that he is nothing like them; he was the first guy to be gentle with me and he never criticized me when I was scared or nervous.

He led me out of the limo and kissed my hand in a lingering way then he held me once more, His bulky built was very comforting and I felt myself unable to pull away until he was the one who did.

"Call me once you have told the news to Seymone. Whether it is bad or good news; I want to be with you and share the consequences." he said to me.

I turned away to walk inside the hotel but not before I watched the limo drive away until I could not see it. I took a deep breath as I opened the room and to my relief; my cousin was just napping in her bed. A few of her clothes and bags were scattered about.

K.C came out of the toilet and greeted me while giving me a sly smile. I then sat near my cousin and gently woke her up.

"Sey, we really need to talk."


Luis somehow appeared right on time because I was already nervous about saying the truth to Sey all alone. K.C and Shin were guarding the door outside because I asked them to.

"So do you remember the reason why I came back here?" I began to speak and my cousin nodded her head.

"To look for the King's missing daughter right? Did you manage to find her?" she said then her hazel eyes lit up. " OMG, you found her didn't you? Where? How?"

"Uhm.." I became nervous all of a sudden so Luis stepped in. From the looks of it; the lawyer also looked anxious but he hid it well.

He began by presenting the birth certificate of both our mothers, old pictures and finally Sey's birth certificate before he began to explain how we found out and came to the conclusion that she is in fact the lost princess of Illyria.

"Sey?"I breathed when she paled visibly as seeing the overwhelming evidence.

"A-Are you going to make me go Sarina? I can't believe this, It is ridiculous!" she then swiped the documents away, making a messy clutter on the floor. "If my father is a king, why did he not search for us? I hated the man my mother continued to love even when it was obvious we were thrown away like garbage. I loathed him when he never came for me when Mom died! As far as I am concern, I have no father."

"Of course I won't. I will not ask you to meet with the King if you do not want to Sey, but Are you not curious to know his side of things before you write him off your life?"

"I don't care, As far as I know...You are my only and no one else." she sounded upset and looked about ready to crumble

"Miss Sey.." Luis out of concern,tried to hold her hand but she slapped it away.

"Get out. You betrayed me....GET OUT!" she yelled all of a sudden at Luis, her voice sounded odd, like there was an eerie quality to it. This felt familiar...

Luis' face looked the same; calm and cool except I saw his hand twitch as his breathing became faster and he started sweating just as my cousin continued to scream at him.

Oh no.

"I hope I never see you again! Go jump off the balcony for all I care!" she spat, the odd power in her voice grew stronger and made the back of my nape stand on end.

"Sey! Shut up!" I matched her pitch and that momentarily shocked her into keeping quiet. I saw the same vacant look on the lawyer as he stood up and walked towards the door leading to the balcony. "No Luis!"

I tried to grab his arm but he was very strong and continued to walk outside, dragging me with him. I yelled at Sey to fetch K.C and Shin, My cousin looked at me as she stared at Luis  who walked on; before she did as I said.

My heart  was in my throat as I tried to push his chest and acted as a body block but he was pushing me with him until we both came to the edge of the balcony and I cried out when he tried to climb up the railing. To my relief, K.C and Shin knocked him out hard, making him collapse while I fell to my knees; my entire body shook violently at what happened.

This....This is the gift of Command. The same one Leone possesses to control people just by speaking but somehow it felt stronger and erratic.

"I-I-I.."Seymone's face was full of tears and fear as she hugged me. " I did not mean to....what-what is happening to me? What did I just do? I'-I'm sorry!"

I enveloped her in a hug and managed to calm her down as she cried loudly, Seeing her power at work; it is so obvious that she is the lost princess King Joram was looking for. As I asked K.C and Shin to carry the knocked out lawyer and tie him up until the command wears off; my mind decided that I need to contact Leone now.

My heart can't take anymore surprises.

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