“And you have no idea what could be wrong with him?” My childhood friend semi-whispered and in my attempts to hear them, I pressed my ear to the cool door so hard it hurt.

“He doesn’t even want to give me a clue,” Beth sighed.

“Sky? But he tells you everything,” the other girl wondered.

“Not this time.”

My heart clenched as I heard sister whimper. I felt awful putting her through this but I just could not tell her… No, I could not tell anyone about what had happened between Keegan and me.

“Go talk to him, Alice, he might confide in you,” she pleaded and hearing steps getting closer to the door that separated the living room and bedroom, I assumed the brunette must’ve approached. I darted back and jumped onto my twin’s the double bed. I’d barely managed to cover myself with the sheet when I heard a knock.

“Sky? It’s Alice. Can I come in?”

I wanted to say no but that would’ve made things even worse for the girls and Ash so I replied in the affirmative.

“Hey,” she greeted aiming for a neutral tone. Her voice betrayed her though and my guilt deepened as I could hear just how perturbed she was.

“Hey,” I croaked back then cleared my throat. “Sit down,” I invited in a clearer tone.

She walked in and closed the door. I felt the soft mattress dip as my childhood friend found a spot on the bed next to my right knee.

“So…” It was obvious she didn’t know how to start. “You’ve been here a while.”

It had been a statement and not a question but I still nodded in reply.

“And you don’t want to get back to your apartment?”

This time I shook my head.

“How come?”

I opened my mouth but without uttering a reply, I shook my head again. I was not sure what to say but even if I knew, I was less than certain I’d be able to speak of it, to pick the right words, to voice them clearly or to convey everything I felt or thought I did. Because right now I was not even sure what all the emotions I went through were. They were mixed together in some inconceivable cocktail, one that tasted bitter, sweat and sour all at the same time.

“Did you get into some sort of fight with Keegan?” She tried again.

The name made my heart jump and my breath quicken. I clenched the sheet tighter and had to summon every ounce of restraint I had not to cover myself with it in some ridiculous, futile attempt to hide myself from her and the rest of the world.

I was not going to tell her about the kiss. No way. It had been wonderful, it had been frightening and it had been devastating.

“Alice,” I swallowed the lump that had formed in my dry throat. “Can we talk some other time? Please?”

She tried to smile encouragingly as she nodded and headed for the door. When she closed it from the other side, I did not get up to eavesdrop on her and my sister even though I knew they’d be talking about me again. I was too tired suddenly. Too drained. All I wanted to do was to curl into a ball and fall into a dreamless sleep. Instead, I ended up staring at the ceiling and thinking about how little it took for a friendship to turn into something else.

The Hell with it, I’ll risk it.

Back then it seemed like a good idea. But the look he’d given me once I’d stopped kissing him and moved back… I could’ve dealt with the shock as it was expected; I’d surprised even myself by placing my lips over his.

But the repulsion?

How his wonderful green eyes were huge then narrowed in discuss?

How he’d jumped up from the couch only to run into the bedroom, slamming the door behind him after shouting those condemning words:

“Get out! I don’t want to ever see you again!” He hadn’t even looked at me when he’d screamed that.

I couldn’t breathe and I’d ran straight to my twin’s door. I pounded on it until she opened but once I saw her, I just couldn’t tell her why I was there. I was afraid and I was ashamed.

So I did not answer any of her questions nor those that Asher had posed later when it was just the two of us.

I’d spend the rest of the night on their couch, crying. I only did so when I was sure they were back in their room as I did not want them to see me in tears. Even so, I had to cover my face with the blanket they’d given me each time their door would open. I’d hear quiet steps and someone sneaking from the bedroom to where I lay. I didn’t have to look up to figure out it was Beth; the soft sighs she let out in defeat as she left gave her away.

Now, laying in her bed, the tears were rolling down my cheeks once more. I could not remember ever having cried so heavily before. It was silent this time so at least I did not have to worry the girls would hear my sobs.

I’d messed up big time.

I hadn’t committed a crime; I hadn’t robbed a bank or killed anyone… Yet the consequences felt just as severe as if I’d done so.

I had not killed a person but my friendship with my closest friend.

And now he’d hate me forever, I thought as I wiped yet another tear.



A/N: A rather depressing chapter, huh?

Caden and Alice are worried about Gavin, Alice and Beth are worried about Sky and there’s no telling how their problems could be solved. Any ideas?

What do you think Gavin is planning?

And will Kee be able to eventually forgive Sky so they could be friends again?

He was kind of an ass so maybe it is him who ought to be seeking forgiveness from Sky...

Anyway, don’t forget to vote and I promise you won’t have to wait for the next update as much as you had to wait for this one. Have an amazing day/night and a great time wattpading!

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