Chapter 18

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A/N: The recipes for the two meals I mention - mushroom barley soup and tomato soup with parmesan and croutons, are available at

For you youngsters - ‘Allo ‘Allo is a humorous TV series about World War II. It’s on old one – really, really old (1982-1992) - but it still airs in my country and I strongly recommend it.




Skyler’s POV

He’d been tired.

Each night Keegan came home, he’d been tired.

And grumpy; don’t forget grumpy.

If he was like this now, I dreaded to imagine how he’d act next week when their training was over and they actually started working.

I guess the boys had it tough. They had to attend Aberville University or the Arts Academy up till noon and then train for the job at the convenience store. Once they were home, they’d grab something to eat and go do homework before getting to bed only to repeat the same think the following day. They didn’t have much time to rest so tonight I thought about doing something nice for my roommate; tonight I was making him dinner.

I clicked \the app for the cookbook on my phone.

“Ingredients: 2 t.s. olive oil…”

What’s “t.s.”?

Great: I’ve gotten to the first line of the recipe and I already needed help.

Thank God for Google.

So “t.s.” was… “table spoons”?

Okay, maybe I could’ve figured that out on my own.

“Mushrooms, carrots,” I started to enlist what I needed. “Thyme.”

I looked at the all stuff on our kitchen isle; good thing I’d told my sister and Alice what I’d be cooking and that they bought me the ingredients for the meal. If I was on my own, I’d still be at the grocery shop, wondering what the hell thyme was.


Two and a half hours later (although the recipe had stated the meal would take less than an hour) our dinner was ready. Just in time too; Keegan was going to be back any moment now.

I beamed as I washed the last of the cooking utensils; I was really proud of what I’d accomplished tonight.

Sure, I’d cut myself twice while slicing the mushrooms and once while I scraped the carrots but none of those wounds bled.

And yes, I’d gotten vegetable broth all over my shirt as I carried two portions of the meal into the living room but it was an old shirt so I wasn’t even going to try and wash the stain; it was time to retire it anyway. So now it lay in the trash.

That’s the last of them, I thought as I wiped the pot dry, still feeling giddy. I’d never cooked before but I was sure I’d done a swell job. Now all I needed was for my roommate to come and taste it…

I heard a screech as the front door opened and went into our living room just as Keegan entered. He passed the table with two portions of my creation without even noticing they were there. With a tired groan, my new best friend slumped down on the couch and covered his face with his hands.

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