“And when would that be?”

“Could be tomorrow, if all goes as planned. It depends on tonight.”

“What happens tonight?” Alice inquired troubled.

My father was silent and I was sure he contemplated on how much to tell us if he were to tell us anything at all.

“Nothing to worry about,” he finally commented and went on before I could interrupt: “I won’t even be there, kids; I’ll just be indirectly involved in what is to take place.”

“Can you stop speaking in riddles?” I groaned, leaning my back on the couch and covering my face with my hands. I felt Alice’s light touch on my knee and looked towards her. She gave me a hesitant yet encouraging smile and with a sigh I bent towards the phone again.

“And stop telling me not to worry; I can’t.”

I heard him groan in the same fashion I had and I couldn’t help but smirk. As a child, I’d often been told that I’d taken after my mother where looks were involved but after my father when it came to personality and behavior.

“I already told you, kids: I. Won’t. Be. There. I can’t tell you where there is, what’s going to happen or who will be involved – trust me, you better not know – but I will be safe. I can’t let anything happen to me before I meet Alice can I?” The last part was said to lighten the mood and even though it did nothing to appease me, it made the girl who sat next to me blush.

“I have to hang up now but I promise I’ll call you tonight. And I do mean at night, Caden, so don’t freak out just because it’s ten o’clock or eleven o’clock and you haven’t heard from me, okay?”

“Okay,” I agreed reluctantly and he ended the call.

I let out another deep sigh.

“At least this time he picked up,” I muttered.


“And we spoke,” I went on.


“It wasn’t enough though,” I admitted.

“I know it wasn’t.” She wrapped her hands around me and I kissed her. We stayed in this comforting embrace until she announced:

“I have to check on Beth. She invited me over and sounded pretty upset although she did not tell me why.”

“More trouble, huh?” I asked tiredly. “Okay, go,” I removed my hands from her waist. “I hope it’s nothing serious.”

Alice had made only a couple of steps before she turned towards me.

“I could stay if you need me,” she suggested.

“No, no,” I waved my hand. “Go see what Beth wants. I’ll be fine.”

She hesitantly nodded and headed for the door.



Skyler’s POV

I could hear the two of them talking in the living room. The subject: me. They were trying to be quiet but the moment the front door to Beth’s living room had been closed shut, I’d glued myself to that of her bedroom. I’d been dreading and hoping that my sister’s guest would be Keegan but instead Alice had shown up.

“It’s Skyler,” my twin was just saying. “He came here in the wee hours of the morning, really upset, and asking if he could stay over. I questioned him about what happened and why couldn’t he sleep in his own apartment but he didn’t want to tell me. I left him alone with Ash, hoping it was a guys’ thing and they’d speak but nothing came out of that either.”

Frost on the Green (The Green Girl sequel) ✓Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum