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Book Title: Unnatural

By: RushMelian

Summary: Shane Parker is a twenty one year old student in Edenville's University. He has a normal life with normal friends and normal stepparents. However, when one night he is suddenly attacked by a vampire his normal life begins to be not as normal as he expected it to be. His friends are not what they seem, the vampire who bit him decides to stay with him out of guilt and his dead parent's inheritance comes hunting him back when a whole organization of vampires and other mystical creatures that are not suppose to exist come after him for a…"normal" old book.


1.   What inspired me to write this book was that at the time I was beginning to appreciate the magic of books. I was reading various vampire books and I decided "Hey, why don't I give writing a try?" And after writing the book a year ago I decided to change it from first person to third after reading a third person book.

2.   The names of my characters were some pick out random while there were others that I already liked. However, there is this character named "Derek" who I got from the TV series Teen Wolf.

3.    What I hope to achieve with this book is to create a world of already known mystical creatures in this time but in a different and creative way.

4.   There have been. I began this story a year ago when I was entering college for the first time. I had a lot of problems between studying and writing and I had no idea of what do to for some time. I stopped writing for a while until I met other Wattpad writers who had gone through the same. They helped me out and returned my inspiration for writing so I thank them all.

5.   The book is under Paranormal and Action but if I could I would also add Adventure and Humor.

6.   Some of the authors that inspired me were: Isabel Allende , Kevin Emerson, Sarwat Chadda, Matthew J. Kirby , Nicholas Edwards , Suzanne Collins and Rick Riordan

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